
How can we best feed our brain to get the most out of it? The answer is by eating sufficient fats, protein, antioxidants, carbs, minerals, and vitamins. But how much of each? Our brain is 90% fat. Therefore, our consumption of fat is crucial to a healthy brain and is what allows our brain to stay fresh, soft, and happy. 

When you think of fat, what food did you picture in your mind?

I want to encouragee you to think about good plant-based fats such as”

*Coconut Oil

*Olive Oil


*Flaxseed Oil

These are the fats your brain thrive off of.

There is only one animal fat that does make the list of good fats, ca you guess what it is?

the animal fat we’re looking for is cold-pressed cod liver oil.


To our brain ad body, protein is protein. What matters really is the amount we have in every meal. A good amount of protein would be the size of the palm of your hand, larger hand, a larger amount of protein.


Look for magnesium! We can find magnesium in caca. Raw cacao powder is an amazing source of magnesium.

Cacao …

  • is healthy and tasty
  • strengthens our central nervous system
  • calms down our brain because it has tryptophan
  • increases the number of neurotransmitters in our brain, helping us to stay on task and focused


DCod liver oil and krill oil
CPrevents our cells from oxidation, helping our cells stay younger longer
BStraight brain food: buckwheat, quinoa, avocado, broccoli
EFats prevent inflammation and heart disease. 
Essential oils have lots of this


Water keeps the brain soft and flexible, which is vital for the neuroplasticity of our brain. Neuroplasticity is the capacity of the brain to recover from almost any damage.


Exercise mindfully helps to keep a positive mindset and healthy routine.


The last but not the less is a good night of sleep. Our brain and body need good rest, 8 hours is ideal. Go to bed before 10pm to ensure cell renewal and restoring time.
