In 2019 WHO included a long time discussed by psychologists “professional emotional burnout syndrome” into the international classification of disease. WHO still considers burnout non-medical but an emotional state. The development of the syndrome is the result of chronic stress at work. At the same time, burnout can undermine health – lead to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and muscular diseases, provoke problems with the digestive tract, headaches, insomnia, depression, and other clinical conditions. So “burn at work” is no longer a poetic metaphor but a serious problem.

You feel tired all the time 

Constant fatigue, emotional and physical exhaustion directly indicate that the body has no strength at all. Chronic stress can suck out of us to keep the body all the time in completely unnecessary combat readiness. If after night a full sleep, excellent weekends in nature, or even a weekly vacation you feel fatigued, it is a direct sign of burnout and many other even more dangerous states. Yoг can’t do anything. Even spending time in an alternative universe like f95zone is not the easiest task. Therefore, in chronic fatigue, it is worth consulting a doctor.

You can’t concentrate

It is possible to estimate the level of its concentration to be subjective: to recall how soon you solved different working tasks half a year ago and how they cope with them now. Another way to check the ability to focus attention is to use a tomato method to work that requires concentration. Put the alarm clock on for 25 minutes and try to plunge into the task. If it does not focus, it is not even for such a short time you can talk about the beginning of burnout. The same applies to memorization and learning problems.

You began to work worse

This symptom is one of the main external differences in stress from burnout. In the first case, you are most likely working at the limit of your capabilities. When burnout, you start to work worse compared to what results were issued before. Your ideas are less likely to be supported, and projects are more often rejected  – these signs can be considered a decrease in performance. Conscious or not – in the context of burnout is not so important.

You are always busy

It is known that constant processing reduces productivity and can provoke the development of depressive states. Be careful if you feel that the work captured all your time. You can not postpone the phone even after ten in the evening, or the boss of the message is to slow down and set at least minimal boundaries: such dedication will not bring benefits, only harm health.

Irritate and overcome criticize

It is okay from time to time to test negative emotions, to show pessimism, and to be angry with yourself and others. But if in recent times you do not exit the grumble mode at all – think about it. Try to understand the causes of your irritability. Is everything around us so bad, the atmosphere is so toxic, and the tasks are impossible? If so, perhaps it is time to change jobs. But the likelihood is only your perception distorted by emotional burnout.

It’s hard for you to start doing something.

Lack of motivation is a faithful sign of burnout. It manifests itself in reluctance to take on new projects or even go to work. The sense of anticipation of interesting tasks disappears. Do not motivate even the possibility of increasing or financial bonus. Your head you understand that it would be nice to start working, but continue to pronounce. Motivational exhaustion is one of the official burnout symptoms described in the classification of the ICD, along with increasing mental distance from occupational responsibilities when they become indifferent to both defeats and successes.

You are not satisfied with the results of your work.

 TED American Writer and Producer Sunda Raims said in his speech: “Motor’s hum. I stopped loving work. I did everything before. But the buzz was not. Inside me was silence. The colors were the same, but I no longer had the pleasure. ” Again, the Motor Rimes helped the rejection of the fifteen-hour working day and the return of the balance between work and personal life.

You began to drink more often and eat worse.

Stress makes us more often contact quickly, but dangerous ways to pamper ourselves and relax: drink a glass of wine, smoke a cigarette, eat ice cream, and dinner with pizza. Unfortunately, the momentary decisions may be expensive. Junk food does not help but only prevents the body from coping with stress. And the regular consumption of alcohol, among other things, breaks the dream – our source to restore forces.

You have worsened your health

Health problems can be associated with a deterioration in the quality of nutrition and the strengthening of bad habits. But chronic stress in itself can slowly destroy the body. The longer you are under it, the worse you feel. Among the symptoms: back pain and neck, disruption of digestion, increased blood pressure, decrease in libido, impaired menstrual cycle, and immunity functions.

You stopped taking care of yourself.

Perhaps the most disturbing and important symptom of burnout. During stressful situations, it is worth supporting the body, take care of their physical and mental state. But when burning, it simply does not have the strength. Instead, a person suffering from syndrome chooses the most destructive behavior strategy – ignores chronic fatigue and continues to work above the norm. The person doesn’t sleep, rest, but only stress from harmful meals. Anna Krymskaya recommends: “To prevent or stop burnout, try to allocate time for yourself: adjust sleep mode, regularly do exercise (for example, walk), spend time with your favorite people, find yourself a soothing and pleasant hobby, try yoga or meditation – these Practices have proven their effectiveness in the fight against stress. ” And if you understand that you cannot cope alone, contact your psychotherapist for help.
