Career Option

Sick of holding a soulless routine job?

Many people are. And unfortunately, many lack the courage necessary to break out of their lifestyles.

They choose to stick to their jobs all their lives. They never try to evolve outside of the bounds they’re in.

And the result? Wasted potential, and much future regret.

Now, we do not recommend both. We think you should invest some time developing a business that gives you financial freedom.

How So?

This is what we’ll discuss today.

Below are 4 career options for aspiring entrepreneurs. Each is easy and relatively inexpensive to start (with the right tools).

So to get started…

#1 – Real Estate.

You might be wondering – how is real estate an affordable field?

After all, don’t you need 5-6 digital capital to get started? Don’t you need free savings to launch your career?

And the answer to that is, you don’t.

You can find funding sources that ease your launch into real estate. And it doesn’t have to be a bank too (a good example is Fundrise).

You can use crowdfunding to get the job done. Or, you can rely on partial loans (plus your savings)!

#2 – Start Blogging.

Know how cheap a blog is?

You need less than $10 per month just to run a website. It’s real estate that you can grow, and the capital is your life experience.

If you have hobbies, experiences, insight, or stories to share – a website is a good starting location.

Plus, it’s a field that’s driven by your passions. If you truly want to specialize in a field, blogging does you solid.

Use it as an Expansion.

If you already have a professional practice, then opening a blog can help you make side-income.

For example, you might be a dietician with a clinic. With a blog, you can publish your expertise in the form of articles and books.

You can reach out to more clients. Or, you can slowly retire from being a clinician, and to being a full-time author!

#3 – Stock Trading.

Many people try to penetrate this field. Only problem is, it’s difficult to learn, and the learning curve is long.

Why? Because many people underestimate stock trading. They try to jump in without proper knowledge or appreciation of this path.

And the results? Devastating losses to one’s savings…

Reading and Research.

Stock trading is a research intensive field. Plus, it’s quite lonesome.

It’s like mastering a delicate craft. You learn to try and ride the markets for profit, without getting crushed by the uncertainty.

Most people struggle to endure that – and this leads to many losses.

Should You Try It?

Stock trading has an advantage. Namely, you can get in with low capital, and operate with a margin.

So the startup requirements are quite minimal. But the requirements for success take time, practice, and diligence!

#4 – Start Dropshipping.

Maybe writing, owning stocks, and real estate aren’t for you. If so, just go for the old retail route.

But you can do it with a twist. You can use the modern “online approach” of drop-shipping!

As a drop-shipper, you act as a mediator between supply warehouses and online buyers. And you do so with a simple store.

That is – you take care of the marketing and logistics job.

And the best part is, you can do so from home. The entire process is almost online, including setting up shop, delivery, and finding suppliers!

Plus – you don’t need upfront capital for a brick and mortar storage structure. So the costs are similar to blogging, yet this is a field more suited for people who like organization and logistics!