When you think of tarot reading, what might come to mind is an older lady dressed in lots of bright colours and very large earrings, talking about silver crossed palms and tall dark strangers. The reality today, however, can be quite different.

In recent years, many modern tarot readers have moved away from more traditional fortune telling methods towards more holistic and therapeutic approaches to the cards. These style of readers work with you to guide in creating your desired future rather than simply predicting it for you.

How Does it Work?

Tarot works because everyone can relate to it. The symbols and stories each card depicts are familiar concepts to all of us. Tarot is real. These 78 cards touch on every aspect of our personal journey from birth through to adulthood and beyond. Some readers work with spirit guides to give you the insight you require, while others see the cards as more of a mirror, reflecting back to us our own subconscious knowledge of our situation.

Either way, the cards can give a bigger picture view of what is going on around you, including factors and influences that you may not otherwise be aware of. If you’re wary of visiting a tarot in person, why not see how you find getting a tarot reading online first with free options such as Eva Tarot.

How can Tarot help me?

A skilled tarot reader can apply the wisdom and guidance of the cards to any issue you are experiencing, from deep spiritual development concerns to how you can best approach next week’s job interview for maximum success.

Using a variety of card layouts, known as spreads, your reader will look at your situation with you. Spreads can vary in size from just one or two cards through to very large spreads that include the entire deck. The size and style of spread will depend on the amount and type of information you need. The most popular spreads use 3, 7, or 10 cards.

The best questions for Tarot in my experience are the ones that give you something to do to move towards the outcome you want. The future is not set in stone and the things we want to achieve will not just come to us. We need to take some responsibility for our lives. Asking ‘How can I ?’ will always yield more useful guidance than ‘When will I?’ when working with Tarot.

Some popular uses for Tarot that can help you in your everyday life are :

Guidance on decision making – ​Looking at the likely outcome of each possible choice so that you may make an informed decision.

Action Planning ​- Looking at the steps you need to take to achieve a goal.

Block Removal – ​Looking at how you can overcome obstacles you face including badhabits.

So, the answer to the question is, in my opinion, yes. Tarot can help you guide your life if you are willing to give it a shot.
