Why do we diss the lemon?  If a car is bad, it’s called a lemon.  If you prevail in a yucky situation, life gave you lemons, but you made lemonade. 

Lemons are amazing.  They make everything better when added to the mix.  Lemons increase the flavor and enjoyment of our food.  Lemons jazz up that beverage.  Lemons emit a fresh, invigorating aroma.  They’re beautiful just sitting out on the counter. 

Think about how many times your senses have picked up on something wonderful, and you’ve asked, “Oh, what is that special something in here–is that lemon?!”  My grandmother thought lemons could even fade age spots, but I’ll need to see the science on that.

A lemon is not a ‘lemon.’ A lemon makes everything it joins better.  This holiday season, be a lemon.
