In the workplace, a large percentage of people will always say “yes” and follow orders when given. If you do this, you may be an Order taker as you wouldn’t dare to debate or discuss when asked to do something by your superiors or clients. You just follow orders! But after taking orders, many people will begin to whine and complain about the work given and tackle it without passion or creativity. They will get the job done and patiently wait for that moment when they are finally acknowledged by the person who dealt the work in the first place, but this often results in getting branded as a “Doer”. Unfortunately, by becoming a “Yes-man” (or woman) of sorts, you will create speed bumps that will slow down your career growth, resulting in stress, anxiety, and negativity. 

Saying “No” is another option, though many end up instigating arguments and stating opinions rather than inviting discussion and civil debate. This kind of approach often ends up in conflicts that get you branded as a “Problem Person”. Finding yourself in this situation will either end up in you quitting your job or getting fired. This being said, you have the power to change the way you are perceived simply by making a pivot in your response style. So if you don’t want to be a Doer, but also want to avoid becoming a Problem Person, where’s the middle ground? 

The best option is to Make offers! Offer Makers don’t give an immediate “Yes” or a “No”; instead, they invite the person assigning them tasks into an engaging conversation by offering options. When you offer alternatives, people will often want to hear you out, even if they have entrenched views and won’t change their minds that easily. They may still want you to do what they had originally asked, but at least you have improved your chances of being heard or maybe you’ve convinced them to change their mind and to follow your path.

Being an Offer Maker puts you at better odds of being chosen for leadership roles, creating more value and elevating your personal brand. Furthermore, Offer Makers quickly become known as Thought Leaders. Offer Makers keep the doors of engagement open and when there are more opportunities to engage, you end up building your credibility and form trustworthy relationships. So take control of your professional growth and become an Offer Maker!
