Stress can be defined as a state of affair which involves a demand on physical or mental energy of the individual. However the condition of stress is not always adverse but in all cases it disturbs the normal physical and mental health of the individual. It is a perturbation in the homeostasis of the body. This demand occurs when the mind and body tries to cope with incessant changes in life.

Learning About the Negative Aspects of Stress

The negative effects of stress are many and make it necessary to avoid stress. Firstly are the several unpleasant emotional feelings which stress generates like tension, feelings of inadequacy, depression, anger, dependency and others. Also, most of the emotional disorders are related to stress. These disorders are either caused by stress and/or cause it or both in some cases. Further, there are many psychological disorders which are related with stress. These in turn lead to a wide variety of disorders, as much as 50% to 80% of all the complaints treated by physicians.

Stress can also lead to interpersonal problems like feeling pressured or trapped, irritability, fear of intimacy, sexual problems, feeling of loneliness, struggling for control, and others. Stress tends to sap energy and give a feeling of tiredness. Another problem is that high stress almost always interferes with one’s performance. It leads to inefficiency at school and on the job, poor decision-making, accidents and even sexual problems as mentioned earlier. Students with high stress do more poorly on exams, especially important tests, than less stressed.

Almost all stressed people tend to suffer from fatigue, aches and pains, crying spells, depression, anxiety attacks and sleep disturbance. Stress can also lead to gastrointestinal problems like ulcers, cramps, diarrhea, colitis and irritable bowel. In some patients, high stress leads to high blood pressure, heart attack, abnormal heart beat and stroke. It also leads to Decreased resistance to infections and neoplasm. Further stress can cause itchy skin rashes and thyroid gland malfunction. Thus avoid stressing out your self as it stress has a negative effect on both your body and mind!

Stressed at work

Stress is often called the “twentieth century disorder” due to its omni-present nature these days. It is what accompanies fame, success, money, technological advancement which are the things that everybody in this aspires. In this fast paced world, everything needs to be perfect and up to the mark. The result is stress. Stress is nothing but, how our body reacts to different challenging and taxing situations that we face in life. These situations are generally seen to be created at the work place.

Stress and work:

Stress prevails everywhere, in every field, every age group and every region. In today’s world of cut-throat competition and sky high expectations, it is very important to manage stress, rather reduce it. Stress and work are seen to be closely related terms these days. The more competitive the firm you work in, the more you have chances of being stressed. Life becomes all about work, files, shares, documents, presentations, meetings, deadlines, clients, less sleep, less food and not to forget, stress. Life is fast, life becomes hectic and the individual eats sleeps and drinks tension. And the result shows on the body and mind. Stress is small amounts is favorable as it increases the competence of an individual. But excess of everything is bad and same is the case with stress. If one’s stress levels cross a limit, the situation can be grave and a psychiatrist may need to be seen.

Combating stress:

Stress has physical as well as psychological symptoms, same way, reducing stress includes both managing its physical repercussions along with instilling a positive attitude towards life. While managing stress, the following aspects should be kept in mind:


Laughter is the best solution to help a you  recover from depression  & stress. It is important for a stressed  out person to express himself  & never stay alone.

Proper sleep and food:

A stressed out individual needs to take a short break from work ands relax in order to refresh the body and soul and prepare them for more challenges of life.

Physical aspect:

To be able to cope with stress, one needs to first analyze and understand how his body reacts to a challenging situation. Medication needs to be taken in order to overcome the consequences like back ache, insomia and fatigue.
