Sometimes I have an idea, and while I am thinking about it, I realize I am struggling to clarify to myself what I am really thinking. Has this ever happened to you? Probably. Have you had an idea and wanted to communicate it to someone else and found yourself saying, “it’s hard to explain”? Let’s take a look at what questions to ask yourself and whether this idea or thought is helpful or not.


Can you illustrate what you mean? Could you give an example in a visual format?


How could we verify or test it? Can you check it some way? Do you need or want to do this?


Could you be more specific? Can you give a clearer more detailed version of this idea?


How does that solve a problem? How does it bear on a question?


What are some of the complexities with this idea? What factors make this a difficult problem?


Should we consider another point of view? What is the other perspective?


Does this make sense? Does it need to make sense? Is this abstract? If so, can I explain it in a way others will understand?


Is this the most important idea to consider right now? Does it line up with your priorities?


Do I have a vested interest in this? Am I considering the feelings of others here? Is this idea self serving or not?

These are some of the questions I strive to ask myself. What do you ask yourself when you are having an idea?

Jamie is the Founder and Chief Dream Officer at Reaptimistic.

Reaptimistic offers realistically optimistic coaching on leadership and HR services based in Los Angeles, with a twist, our leadership theories are based on the humble dog, love and the code of care, to T – H – I – N – K. Is True, Is it Helpful, it is Inspiring, Is it Necessary and is it Kind?

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