While meditation is surrounded by religion, beliefs, and superstitions, it is a valid body state like any other, such as arousal or sleep. By learning to meditate, you can reap the benefits of this body state which include relaxation, energy, and perspective on your life. Meditation is being taken seriously by health researchers interested in stress reduction and methods to improve overall health.

Steps to Meditation for Health

Meditation is used by people interested in addressing conditions such as anxiety, pain, depression, emotional problems, insomnia, and stress. Meditation is also the ultimate brain workout. Here’s how to get started.

1. Sit

Find a place where you can sit comfortably, uninterrupted for about 20 minutes. The most important thing is to sit with your back as straight as possible. Some people find that sitting on the edge of a cushion helps keep the back straight.

You will hear about special meditation cushions, candles, incense, statues, bells, and so forth — don’t worry about any of that stuff. The important thing is to sit comfortably and to practice meditation often. You can add accessories whenever you want.

2. Set a Timer

At times when you are meditating, you may secretly be looking for any excuse to get up and do something else. One of the most compelling excuses is to “check the time.” Often during meditation, your sense of timing is lost and that leads to the feeling that you have gone past the time you set for meditation. This will often happen after you have been sitting for 1 or 2 minutes. Read More
