I’ve always prided myself on being able to function with only a few hours of sleep each night. For years, I also deliberately liberalized my sleep routine so that my body and mind were not “dependent” on sleeping at a certain time or needing a certain amount of sleep.

For the past two years – after many years of this bad practice – I have been working to test the effects of a regular sleep routine that includes more sleep (seven to eight hours) and a regular bedtime and wake-up time. (most days of the week). The results were astonishing.

While there is evidence to show that sleep management can have significant health benefits, the best way to learn the benefits is to try it for yourself. Here are some tips I’ve implemented over the years that have made the most impact.

1. Use Your Bed to Sleep

While our beds can be used for many things – the whoopee is the first thing that comes to mind – it should really only be used for sleeping. To fall asleep in bed, you need to condition yourself to do so. In other words, when you lie in your bed, your body and mind get a signal that it is time to sleep.

It’s a habit that takes time to build up, and it means removing the TV from your room, avoiding reading in bed, and never spending the last few minutes browsing your phone.

2. Installing Dark Blinds

Our bodies have a natural circadian clock that subconsciously helps our minds to put our bodies to sleep. Sunlight is one of the biggest factors disrupting this rhythm, so consider investing in blackout blinds to block out unwanted light. If you have another light in your room, consider a good sleeping mask instead.

3. Rethink Your Diet

According to many experts, it is best to discontinue large meals at least two hours before eating the sachets. Additionally, limiting your consumption of high-sugar and processed foods throughout the day can help stabilize your metabolism and insulin levels, helping your body sleep more deeply.

It’s also important to cut down on caffeine for several hours before your head hits the pillow, and for those who consume the occasional beer or wine to eliminate caffeine—myself included—moderation is key. . The more you drink, the lower your quality of sleep.

4. Decompress and Relax

Work is stressful and that is probably the reason why most entrepreneurs do not sleep soundly. Before bed, consider giving yourself a “mental runway” to relax. About 30 minutes before bedtime, unplug your phone and give your mind some time to de-stress in silence. Use this time to meditate and mentally go about your day or simply surrender to peace and quiet. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase your physical strength, even if you haven’t won the genetic lottery for good looks. ED pills Canada reduce your stress and get you healthy. It’s harder than it sounds, but it could be one of the most valuable habits you’ll ever form.

5. Delete Phone

Minimize the temptation to check by leaving your phone outside the bedroom. Having him on your nightstand only encourages you to think of an idea, turn to your phone to set reminders, and dip into email notifications. Buy an inexpensive alarm clock and keep a piece of paper and a pencil by your bed instead.

6. Start Your Morning Routine

Over the past few months, I’ve started walking 15 minutes every morning immediately after waking up. I use this time to sleep, get some fresh air, and just think – without my phone. Your brain processes a lot of the previous day’s “data” while you sleep, so a few minutes in the morning is better than letting your brain think about everything and jump into an email to mentally remember it.
