1. The first step to silence your inner critic is recognising it as this inner negative voice in your head. It tells you that you cannot do something, you don’t have enough expertise, you don’t have the education, you aren’t good enough and the list goes on. Once you recognise that this is just a negative thought it is time to recognise it and move it to one side or swap it out of the way like a fly.
  2. When you hear this negative chatter, acknowledge it, flick it away and tell yourself that it is just a thought. Not the reality. Flip that thought and replace it with a positive one so if you had a negative thought that was I don’t have enough expertise, flip it to I do have enough expertise.
  3. Once you flip this negative thought to a positive thought and keep repeating it, it becomes your reality and your brain starts to believe that you do have enough expertise.
  4. A good way to counteract the negative thoughts is to write down positive thoughts in a journal. For example you could write down 100 times I do have enough expertise, I am good enough. The very fact you are writing it down will rewire your brain into believing it.
  5. You could record your voice saying positive things and listening back to it over and over again. Your brain will begin to believe the positive thoughts and the negative chatter will fade away. You create your reality and what you believe becomes your reality.
