remove stress

I used to let stress build up and accumulate until it was too much to handle and it literally caused me to fall down. I used to think I could handle whatever was thrown my way.

Well, I finally stopped that crazy way of thinking and realized that I was human, and no amount of stress was healthy. I started to make little changes in my life to help reduce, and then eventually eliminate the things that were causing stress.

In the end I created a stress-free life for myself, and I wanted to share the simple steps I took. It’s had a positive impact on all aspects of my life.

1. Lived within Financial Means

A good portion of my stress stemmed from financial related things, like mounting credit card debt and student loans that just didn’t seem to go away, no matter how many years I paid them.

I finally cut all careless spending, downgraded my car and condo, and focused on eliminating all of my debt. Now, with the debt gone and the same mentality I am able to save money. When you do this a lot of stress disappears instantly.

2. Removed Toxic Friends and Relationships

Do you have friends that are very toxic, yet you continue to let them pull you down with them? Do you stay in a toxic relationship because you fear change?

I used to. But then I decided my own mental wellbeing was more important. i stopped hanging around toxic people in all aspects of my life. Removing them also removes their problems and issues that just add to your own stress.

It can be difficult (I know it was for me), but you have to be selfish and have your own best interest in mind.

3. Stopped Expecting Different Results

I used to get discouraged when I didn’t see the results I wanted. I’ll use fitness as an example. I would tell myself that I was going to lose weight and I’d go to the gym for a month straight but the results were not there.


Well, I was still eating poorly. I was a fool to think the results would magically appear. I was doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.

When I combined the daily workouts and strict diet I started to experience the results I had wanted. You have to be willing to make new changes.

get rid of stress
Image credit: Pexels

4. Disconnected from Social Media

I no longer have a Facebook profile. Or a Twitter profile. Oh, and I never signed up for an Instagram account. I deleted all social media, and I couldn’t be happier.

For me it was a big distraction. I would see everyone having fun and being successful (at least that is what they wanted people to think) and I would think that I was doing something wrong.

But, once you realize that social media is not real life, you then realize how much better life can be without it. Sure, I miss seeing what friends are doing, but I much prefer to meet them out in person and have real conversations with them.

I’m currently working on my first business, a line of yoga pants, and I have just found that by deleting all of my social media it eliminates all desire to login and waste my time. I’m now focused on my own life and not what others’ are doing.

5. I Relocated

I have been living in Miami for about 7 months, and while it’s a big change (from the weather to the culture) it is something I have always wanted to do.

I found that a lot of my stress was from previous relationships, old friends and jobs. By removing myself and “starting over” it’s really contributed to a much more positive mindset and way of thinking.

I know not everyone can pack up and move, but if you do have that luxury I encourage you to consider it. It’s had such a positive impact on my mental health.
