Time is not your friend and you shouldn’t want it to be.

Building a business is among the many responsibilities we have to be mindful of on a daily basis.

Whether that is taking care of bills, spending time with your spouse, or any other obstacles that life happens to place in front of you.

With those things in consideration, you have to focus on how you can make the most out of each day to improve your productivity.

If you are able to implement these habits it will help you get closer to the vision you have for your business as well as yourself.

1. Minimize Time on Social Media

The average user spends 2 hours and 33 minutes per day on social media.

Aimlessly scrolling through social media at the moment can not seem like much time but definitely adds up.

It can turn in to a bad habit that will cripple your overall productivity.

But there is good news, here is what you can do to cut down on your social media time.

Set Time Limits on Specific Apps

You should have some idea of the apps you go to if you are killing time or just checking frequently.

If you’re able to on the smartphone you own, setting limits on your favorite apps will help keep you in check and focused on your daily task.

Now there is not a certain amount of time that you have to set the limit to

But in this case, less is better.

 2. Go to Bed Earlier

Let’s be honest now, sleep is great!

Most of the time if we are able to get more we will take advantage of that opportunity.

But being great at anything is going to demand that you sacrifice somethings to ultimately achieve your desired outcome.

Now I’m not suggesting you deprive yourself of sleep.

What I would say is to prioritize shutting it down earlier than you normally would.

This will allow you to wake up earlier so that you can maximize the time in your day. And if staying up later, then waking up later is better suited for your personal situation then feel free to do that instead.

3. Be Selfish With Your Time

This one might be the most difficult for some people.

Because of friends and family who may feel like you are being distant.

But in actuality, you are just taken the necessary time you need to better yourself and accomplish your goals.

And if we are being honest they should be doing the same as well.

You can still spend time with friends and family because that is important as well, but its really about finding a healthy balance between both in your life.

4. Minimize Hobbies

Being a kid and not having real responsibility allows us time to try many different things until we find something we really love doing.

Now when we get to the point where we want to really start creating something for ourselves.

That means a skill that will allow us to generate income.

So the things we just like to do for fun have to be sacrificed so that we can continue to focus on the main objective which is being successful.

Finding balance is going to be very important here too so that you are progressing through your journey as well as having fun and enjoying your life.

What is the point of having success doing all these great things and being miserable while you do it?

5. Set Goals

How do you set goals that are actually going to be effective and have an impact on your success?

Your vision is the big picture, and ultimately how you see your future. Now within that, we have goals that will eventually lead to your vision.

These goals can be days, weeks, months, or years. It’s probably best to do a mixture of all of them, but mostly the shorter goals so that you have multiple tasks to focus on every day.

Write these goals down so you can see them and go over each of them every day.

Let’s Recap.

Limit time on social media

You are probably reading this on a smartphone now. Set time limits on apps you use the most throughout the day.

Go to bed earlier

Get to sleep early so you can make the most of the next day. If you need to stay up and wake up later that can work also.

Be selfish with your time

You are doing yourself and the people you love no good if you aren’t focusing on your purpose.

Because not only you benefit, but they do as well from your success.

Minimize your hobbies

Be mindful of things you are doing for fun killing time.

We want to make time to relax and enjoy our lives, but too much can have a negative impact on our vision.

Set goals

Setting goals will give you the structure to help you stay focused. These small victories can help you stay motivated throughout your journey.

If you have any other helpful advice for other entrepreneurs, share down below.