self care

Taking good care of yourself is an indispensable component of a happy, healthy life. When you are nourished, well-rested, and emotionally grounded, you can handle your other responsibilities with grace and ease. All of your relationships will benefit from your dedication to self care. Try implementing some of the following practices if they are missing from your daily routine.

1. Take Quality Supplements

The right supplements can greatly enhance your physical wellness. While we obtain many essential vitamins and minerals from food, it doesn’t hurt to introduce additional healing compounds as needed.

Think about areas of your body that could use some extra love and attention. Are your joints feeling stiff? Anti-inflammatory compounds like turmeric may help. Is your eyesight changing? Maybe you could benefit from a high-quality eye health supplement. Do you experience heightened anxiety? Kava tinctures could bring periodic relief to your nervous system.

Test out various herbal remedies to see which ones work for you.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Dehydration can cause headaches, irritability, indigestion, fatigue, and more. Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest self care habits you can adopt!

Carry around a reusable water bottle everywhere you go. Aim to drink 16 ounces of water every three hours, and always drink when you are thirsty! If you find that you don’t feel hydrated when drinking cold water, try warm water instead. Your cells are able to absorb water more easily at higher temperatures.

Don’t forget to increase your water intake following other beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol. These drinks will dehydrate you, so it’s important to replenish your system with water afterward.

3. Set Clear Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a lesser-known staple of stellar self care. Communicating your limits with others is the most straightforward way to protect your energy. If you are being stretched thin or disrespected by someone in your life, you will start to feel the negative consequences eventually.

Ask others for what you need in the clearest way possible. Maybe you need time to process your emotions, distance from a loved one, or personal space in your home. All of this is perfectly valid, and you are worthy of receiving it. Don’t hesitate to take that accountability for yourself––it will prevent significant strife down the road.

4. Find Natural Relief

Stress is a normal part of life. It actually keeps us safe in difficult situations by alerting us to potential threats. However, if we live in a state of perpetual stress, our bodies will become overwhelmed. This is when illness comes knocking.

Find your own sources of natural stress relief for your self care toolkit. Turn off your phone when it’s bothering you, listen to calming music, go for a walk, hop on your yoga mat for some deep stretches, take some cleansing breaths, or do something fun with a friend.

Relaxing at the end of the day is a wonderful remedy for stress. By preparing yourself for an adequate night’s sleep, you will find yourself feeling remarkably recharged and refreshed in the morning.

5. Practice Daily Gratitude

Often, we forget to count our blessings. A negative mindset can cause harm to our emotional wellness and relationships. When we focus on what we have rather than what we lack, we take back our positive thinking powers and clear up space for problem-solving.

You can soften any intense feelings with gratitude. Even if it seems silly at first, take five minutes at the end of each day to write down what you’re grateful for. Perhaps you’d enjoy doing it in a special journal with brightly colored pens. Let your sincere thanks for the gifts in your life rise up onto the page.

Self care is unique to every individual. Only you know what’s best for you! Show yourself some compassion by doing something every day to care for yourself. Be sure to lighten your load by having fun with it.