Men always thought that the duty of taking care of pregnant girls was a duty of the mothers. However, recently a lot of men are increasingly showing support to the expectant teenage daughters.
Teenage pregnancies are not always celebrated both by the expectant teenage girl and society. Your pregnant daughter may not show it, but she is not emotionally stable, and this is the time she needs the people close to her to give her all the support she needs.
Mothers are naturally known to be nurturers, and so your daughter at this stage may feel like she relates more to her mother than you. Don’t get upset over this. Instead, show support to your expectant teenage daughter and you will notice how well you will bond with her too.
If you are a dad, looking for ways to show support to your expectant teenage daughter, then here are some tips for you.
Accompany Her To The Regular Clinical Visits
It is the first and most important step to show support to your expectant teenage daughter. The moment you realize she is expectant, talk to her about visiting a hospital and getting all the advice and care from a qualified daughter.
If you are a single dad, anticipate a lot of visits in and out of the hospital. If her mum is there, you guys may choose to alternate or go in together.
It, however, will depend on the type of relationship she has with her partner. Sometimes they may need to attend those visits alone, do not deny them that.
Talk About Birth Classes and Research Together
As a first time mum, she is expected to have mixed feelings. Sometimes she will feel scared about being a mom. A lot of issues will require her attention and a lot of decisions will have to make before the baby comes. May include the mode of delivery, decision on breastfeeding or using the bottle and a lot of other stuff.
You can advise her about joining some classes where she will be instructed accordingly and also have the chance to interact with others who might be facing the same situation as her.
You may accompany her when you have time. If you do not have time, at least help her research on some of the issues you feel she is having a hard with. There is no other better way to show support to your expectant teenage daughter than this.
Spend Time Together
She might be a mom-to-be, but she is still your little girl. Take her out for ice cream, watch movies in the house together. She is likely to have weird cravings, help her cook whatever she craves.
It will not only make her happy but also help her understand that no matter the situation, daddy still loves her.
It will also help you track what she eats and help eat healthy because she will need a lot of energy and milk supply after delivery.
Financially Support Your Expectant Teenage Daughter
Of course, the bills are going to rise. She will need money to pay for her antenatal care, her birth classes (if she is attending any). A lot of things will be bought. Bills will scream at her from every corner.
Do not leave the whole burden on her shoulder. Help her out, clear what you can. If you can clear everything, much better. If you cannot pay for everything, encourage her to find a casual job (at the early stages of her pregnancy) and save up for the baby.
She will need a lot of guidance on how to cut costs and save more. Talk to her and help her with this.
Take Part In Planning For The Baby
You might not be very keen on the color of the crib, and all those minor details. To her, those details mean a lot. Help her decide where to place the toys, the color of the room and everything.
You could even plan and throw her a surprise baby shower. These are the beautiful moments she will forever live to tell.
As a parent, you have this dream of seeing your daughter walking down the aisle, before bringing a family. This dream though, shouldn’t be a reason to neglect her if she gets pregnant at a young age.
You do not want to add to her list of things to stress over. Support your expectant teenage daughter. Help her cultivate a positive attitude towards the life she is carrying inside her.
It is not going to be an easy journey, but together you will make it through the 40 weeks.
The journey has just begun. Have fun being a grandpa!