Becoming successful isn’t an overnight process. Networking online is how I’ve managed to grow my business from 0-100. I have 4 tips I implemented that help keeps me organized, and relevant on social media. This is great for any field.

Scheduling apps

If you run multiple businesses or are always on the go, scheduling apps are a game-changer for your business. Many companies don’t post enough on social media so they aren’t standing out or being seen enough to increase their online revenue. Posting 1-3 times a day over each platform will boost your social media within a few short weeks.

Virtual Assistants

I personally found this taboo for the longest time. Putting your online business in the hands of a stranger is a bit scary, but these professionals know what they’re doing and they have strategies to boost your analytics. As a business creative, I often find myself posting in my spare time and not taking extra time to network with my clients. Hiring a VA cuts some of that time for me so I can focus on my clients and get to know them.

Post your content to Pinterest

Did you know that Pinterest is actually a visual search engine? Yes! Pinterest is just like google but with photographs. Whether you’re creative or not, you should be on Pinterest. In a little over 1 month, I went from 200k views to 600k views. This drives traffic to your brand, website, socials, and gets you seen. If you make ad revenue from your blogs this is an even better opportunity for you to increase that website traffic. 

Strong Website Optimization

Search optimization isn’t something everyone is good at. I laugh and say, I’m a photographer, not a website expert. This is where a VA could really benefit you and grow your business for the long term. search optimization strengthens your website and gives you better rankings on google. I have personally noticed many business creatives don’t even have a website. They’re missing out on so much traffic and so many potential new clients simply by lacking a website.
