They say you can fall in love in a minute — But it only takes 30 seconds to change your life…

Fermat’s Theorem move aside.

Double-entry book-keeping pah! 

And whilst we’re about it put all those books on Personal Development and Leadership you’ve been stock-piling to read this Summer back on the shelves!

The Importance of Numbers

This piece isn’t about luck though, or for that matter falling in love really, but it is about numbers and how important they can be in all areas of your life.

In fact, understanding and working with them can really be a key to success and help you achieve your goals to boot.

And here’s how!

  • 2 — According to Quantum Field Theory everything is created twice — Before it takes form it’s an idea — So, give every idea your best shot and then go and execute it
  • 3 — Frame what you say with 3 key points or messages that you want to convey — So, Tell ’em what you’re going to tell ’em, tell ’em & then tell ’em what you’ve just told ‘em
  • 7  Those Greek Playwrights Euripides, Sophocles et al were among the first to formalise the narrative story arc or plot-lines we’ve all become so familiar with today, even if we’re not aware of it when we’re reading, or watching a play on TV or a film — There are basically just 7 plot-lines or themes that any story will draw on i.e. The Quest, Voyage and Return, Rebirth & Transformation, Comedy, Tragedy, Overcoming a Monster and Rags to Riches — & did you also know that the importance of what you say only accounts for 7% of the overall impression that you make — So, make sure you always look the part and choose the right plot so you can be both a story teller and a story doer
  • 8 — Is the number of ‘Rules of TED’, although there are
  • 9 — Secrets of Public Speaking. How’s that?
  • 10 — Seconds is all you get to make a good impression on the phone, &
  • 13 — Per cent of your personal impact comes from the tone of your voice
  • 20 — Seconds is all the attention that perfectly crafted CV can expect to receive during a 1st sift — So, make sure the first 3rd of the 1st page does the business and punches above its’ weight for you, whilst
  • 30 — Seconds is all you have to pitch your stuff in that proverbial elevator — It’s also the % of power you loose from your voice when speaking on the phone — So, be aware and know you need to compensate for it — It’s also the length of a new habit you might start practicing today that could change your life — Interested? It’s really very simple…Just spend that time after any meeting or important conversation identifying 3 key things you need to take from it &/or act upon and then DO — & you can also use this technique to revise and review your goals
  • 60 — Seconds is all you have to make that great impact on meeting someone for the 1st time and, of course, it only takes a minute to fall in love, according to the lyrics of at least one multi-million selling pop song
  • 66 Days is how long it takes to form a habit, whilst
  • 80 — Per cent of the impact you make in any situation comes from your body language — So, learn to be comfortable with yourself and as the French say, ‘Adapte une Peau’, meanwhile
  • 120 Seconds is all you’re likely to have to put you in front in that job interview you’ve been preparing and sweating for — So, open big and make it count
  • 10,000  Hours as Malcom Gladwell and Eric Anders tell us, is how long it takes to master a new and complex skill and if you want to know more about Mastery, read Robert Greene’s book with the same Title, & finally
  • 86,400 — That’s the number of seconds deposited into your personal account each day by the Bank of Life — No refunds — No stockpiling — No trades — So, spend wisely and extravagantly! 

Paul Mudd is the author of ‘Uncovering Mindfulness: In Search Of A Life More Meaningful’ available on Amazon and; the ‘Coffee & A Cup of Mindfulness’ and the ‘Mindful Hacks For Mindful Living & Mindful Working’ series. He is also a Contributing Author to The Huffington Post and a Contributing Writer to Thrive Global. Through The Mudd Partnership he works with business leaders, organisations and individuals in support of change, leadership excellence, business growth, organistional and individual wellbeing and well doing, and introducing Mindfulness. He can be contacted at [email protected] and you can follow the continuing journey uncovering Mindfulness on Twitter @TheMindfulBook and at @Paul_Mudd