Most people agree it takes 21 days to change a habit. It is the 22nd day of January. How are you doing on your intention, goal or resolution? Call it what you will. Many of us declared something we want to be different in 2018. Many of my clients commented how we could feel the positive energy of the New Year. Are you still on track with your intention?

Now with the snow dusting half the country and our government shut down it is a little trickier to stay on the positive track. In my keynote and training programs, I am quoted as saying, “What you visualize you actualize.” What are you visualizing at this moment? Success, sorrow or nothing?

Mindfulness is not meditation.

Mindfulness is the practice of reducing stress, increasing focus to be present in the present moment.

Mindfulness is “New Thought” ancient wisdom on the art of being present in the present moment without judgment. 

Today is day 22. Did you keep your promise to yourself? Will you keep it going forward? Do you need someone to hold you accountable to you?

In numerology 22 is the most powerful number for making your dreams come true. Day 22, you can begin again.

The ABC’s you must do to make your dreams come true this year;

  • Ask for help.
  • Believe what you wanted, as your intention is not only still possible but also guaranteed to happen this year.
  • Commit to one action today to get you closer to your dream.

Day 22, you have the power to choose. Will you choose stress of being off track on your intention, or will you choose to make your dreams come true?

My 2018 intention is to deliver my value as a leadership keynote speaker, trainer, and coach with more people this year. If you are serious about your 2018 dream, a little nervous on day 22 you can’t do it on your own. Contact me today in your preferred way (email, phone, schedule apt) let’s get started on your mindful coaching experience.

It’s day 22, activate the ABC’s so we can celebrate you attaining your goal on December 31, 2018.

I am mindfully yours,