The generation of new ideas is not still a simple task since the fear of everyday work, job responsibilities and even falling into a “vicious circle” of still doing the same thing become silent killers of your creativity.

Although innovation must come in response to a need for change in the organization, on many occasions, you know what you should change, but you don’t know-how. Here are some tips to generate ideas that help a business get ahead:

1. Choose the worst plan. 

The saying goes, “he who does not risk, does not win” so do not throw away those fleeting thoughts because you think they are not worth it, sometimes something insignificant and straightforward, something extraordinary may arise.

2. Question everything. 

Start asking yourself what you need, when and how, in this way, you will be more clear about what problem you need to solve, and you can easily mentalize the solutions.

3. Ask three people. 

The perspectives of others will give you new approaches, so an idea that may seem vague and meaningless may come to land with the opinion of friends, family or acquaintances.

4. Think like a genius. 

When you are facing a problem that requires a solution, imagine what that character you admire would do; Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg’s actions can be inspiring.

5. Write down everything. 

It doesn’t matter if they are big thoughts or small ones, the point is that they can arrive as a moment, that is, at any time and place, and the last thing you need is to forget them. Always carry a small notebook and pen with you so you can take note of everything you can think of.

6. Always say “maybe.” 

Please do not throw away ideas because you think they may be irrelevant or easily replaced by others. Allow everything that comes to your mind, probably in that simple is a great solution.

7. Learn from others. 

Sign up for courses, seminars or talks where you learn new things from companies or industries other than yours, opening up to new worlds is giving information to your brain.

8. Move. 

Go for a walk, run in the city, breathe fresh air, since every time you are out of the office, your body revives and feels free, and when you get that state of fullness, it will be easier for you to generate new solutions.

9. Redefine your goals. 

Everything has an expiration date so don’t let an idea be permanent, even when it’s not carried out; Modify your goals regularly, maybe it’s not that you don’t find a resolution to the problem, you have a wrong approach.

10. Periodically, start over. 

Computer experts say that it is good to restart a computer and even format it to start working from scratch; you do the same with your thoughts, so once you reach a goal, turn the page and acquire new challenges. Do not kill your creativity because this can cause your company’s productivity to fall apart. Ideas are the basis for a great innovation that helps you solve problems or create new products that improve the performance of your business.


  • I am professional blogger/writer, and have been writing as a freelance writer for various websites. Now I have joined one of the most recognized platforms in the world.