If you have lots of thoughts running through your mind or you just have a lot going on in your daily life, journaling can be a great outlet.
A way to organise your thoughts, your wishes, desires and generally feel less stressed or anxious about a situation.

As a busy mum of 2 little girls who naturally demand so much of my attention, especially now that schools are closed in lockdown. My time is divided between working on my business, homeschooling and doing all the household chores, that it can all get a little too much for me.

So after much trial and error in finding an effective morning routine before the girls wake up.
I found that instead of meditating or rushing out of the door for a run, I preferred to get my diary out and just write out all the thoughts that were in mind. The ones that were especially swirling out of control. And whilst I would be writing those, I’d also ask myself questions too. I really felt my soul would be acting as a guiding light giving me the answers that I needed.

I know that sounds a little woo woo but when I do this inner self-care work, I create bigger results in my business, I show up even better than before for my clients on our coaching calls. And I’m a much more present, happier mum for my kids.

So I’ve kept up with my daily journaling sessions and my journaling prompts which really do help me to navigate the life I want for myself.

So to get started, you don’t need a fancy notebook or a posh pen, you just need to dedicate some quiet time to think. Just take it easy and enjoy this time of reflection and mapping out your future.

Use some of my favourite journal prompts below that have not only helped me feel better about myself, but they’ve also allowed me to seek more support with my business, create more courses and attract more amazing ladies into my programmes from all over the world.

10 powerful Journal prompts

Where do I really need support right now?

How can I show up more as me today?

What am I too scared to take action on?

What can I do to bring more laughter to me today?

What would I be doing today If I knew I couldn’t fail?

Why am I feeling overwhelmed right now?

What am I not focusing on?

How do I move past my frustration?

How can I create a circle of friends that support me?

How can I play today?

Tell me which one of the above was your favourite, or perhaps you have your own, do share them with me below?

Look forward to hearing from you friend and seeing how you got on.