“I love what I do but sometimes I need a reminder that it’s ok to take some ‘Time Out’ in order to recharge. That’s why I was so hype to partner with experts from Thrive – through the Thrive Global Foundation – and the UCLA Center for Scholars & Storytellers to better understand these actions we can take in our everyday lives to improve our overall wellness by stepping away from screens, work, and all the craziness of life when we need to. We’re also stoked to work with our friends at the Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan to integrate these steps into their programs, because it can feel tough to be a kid and not feel like you have the time you need to chill out. I hope these resources remind us all to take the time we need. No one’s perfect but I’m excited to be on this ‘Time Out’ journey with you. This is just the beginning.”


To help you take some Time Out for yourself, we’ve developed these Microsteps — small actionable changes that can make a lasting impact on our mental and physical well-being.
Take a screen break to listen to a song you love.

Listening to music helps us regulate our emotions and recharge when we feel overwhelmed.

Spend time outside at a local park or near a body of water.

Studies show that simply spending time in green or blue spaces is associated with lower stress levels. And spending at least two hours outdoors each week supports better overall health and well-being.

Turn on Night Shift to make your phone's display easier on your eyes.

This will limit blue light from your phone screen, which disrupts circadian rhythms and melatonin production. Limiting your exposure, especially between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., will help you get the sleep you need.


Time Out is an opportunity to join our community and prioritize your own mental well-being. Join us by spreading the word.

Ninja announces ‘Time Out’ initiative

Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins talks about how he started his career as a gamer and his new mental health initiative, “Time Out.”

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