It’s been encouraging in recent years to see that more and more companies are taking the well-being of their employees seriously, with the clear understanding that healthy workers are more engaged and productive—a win-win. But the wellness focus has mostly been on programs like exercise classes and mindfulness training. What’s often underappreciated—and under-resourced—is the role an inclusive workplace plays in the well-being of employees.

Recent research from BCG found a clear connection between a sense of inclusion and happiness on the job. Among employees who reported an inclusive workplace culture—where they feel comfortable as their true selves without hiding parts of their identity—81% also said they are happy in their jobs, three times more than those who don’t feel included.

Unfortunately, one in seven employees around the world do not agree with the statement “I feel free to be my authentic self at work.” Organizations can nurture more inclusive cultures and improve the well-being of employees by:

· Making the leadership commitment truly visible up and down the ladder

· Addressing inclusivity in terms of every employee’s individual identity

· Institutionalizing an inclusive environment and ways of working

· Enabling a psychologically safe environment

· Tracking data and measuring progress

Organizations that create environments where all employees feel free to be themselves will be rewarded with healthier, happier, and ultimately more productive workforces.

Read the full article here.
