Rock Star. Guru. Wizard. These are words showing up in recent job postings. Seriously? I can’t imagine showing up for the interview and saying, “Hi, I’m here about the Wizard job you posted.” Sure, these words break up the monotony of serious phrases that are required within a posting, but that sentiment can be communicated in a better fashion.

Know your audience

Sometimes, these positions ask for 7+ years of work experience. Someone who is almost thirty isn’t going to reply to language from their college days. At this point in the game, the candidate is looking for a serious company who is stable and values them as an employee. Childish language is a big turn off and doesn’t emphasize any of the above-desired traits.

Titles shmitles

Sure, it’s great to have fun with your job, since it’s where you spend a lot of time. The problem with a false title like “Rock Star” is that it masks what you’re really going to do. Rock Star might as well be another word for the grunt work no one else wants. Mainly, I’ve noticed it’s for entry level jobs, occasionally, it sneaks into senior sales job postings. Perhaps it’s a way to get a first-time employee to feel good? I would be amazed to see this title printed on a business card. Please, if you are this person and have said card, I’d love to see it.

And then, and then…

Companies want candidates with skills, but when the position reads like a mishmash of three people’s jobs things start to look sketchy. I noticed a job posting that asked for the content writer to be a videographer, coder, and a producer as well. Um…yeah. I’m pretty sure that job requires a unicorn. A friend of mine who is in account service also mentioned that he’s noticed job postings requiring video editing and or photoshop skills. I replied with “HAHAHAHA” and snorted out loud IRL. I can’t imagine an account person, who may have one year of photoshop that they took in school, versus a well-trained professional who has been doing the job for years. It rather does me a frighten to think that an account person could go over the head of a creative person and make a slight adjustment as per a client request. Not only would that undermine the Creative Director, but it would also mess up any semblance of organization. Sure, going above and beyond your job is great, but the right person for the right job should be the motto. What happened to a company paying for quality and skills versus rushing a job in a time crunch?


A simple posting stating the requirements and a summary phrase explaining that the company likes to have fun is sufficient. If a job posting is too flowery or wants the candidate to jump through hoops, I’m more than likely going to wonder what kind of candidates has the company seen to require this level of entry?

There’s no need for pomp and pageantry. Being honest and transparent with a posting will most likely yield the best type of candidate. Who knows, maybe I’ll even give it a shot.

Originally published at