Just a little less than four years ago in the fall of 2013, I walked away from everything:

A toxic partnership
My construction company
And everything I thought I wanted
I closed it all and literally walked away.

I walked away to learn how to laugh again. To learn how to breathe again. To learn how to lead again. To learn how to love again. I walked away to learn how to be ME again.

Little did I know that was only the beginning. . .

Life thought it could break me. It threw curve ball after curve ball. . .

From getting sued by 10 different vendors that my former partner had done business with and never paid to the State of Washington putting their hands in the pie for the same reason to my youngest daughter spending days in Seattle Children’s Hospital, unsure of what would happen, if she would be ok to moving from our longtime family home and everything we’d ever known, every safety net we ever had.

It hasn’t been easy to stand here in the midst of all of this. It’s been uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s been so uncomfortable, I’ve wanted to quit. And just when I thought I couldn’t handle anymore; just when I thought I couldn’t keep going; when I was ready to throw in the towel; my world has been rocked again. And again. And again. Things that would make ordinary people quit. Things that would leave ordinary people running. Hiding.

But let me tell you what I’ve learned by standing firm, by never giving up, by being relentless. . .

I’ve learned that LOVE is the only thing that matters. That love is the only thing that heals all wounds. Love is the fire within you. The light of your soul. It can never be extinguished. Never be broken. (And you are not broken.)

I’ve learned that LOVE is the most powerful force in the Universe. That love is always the answer. And that you don’t have to buy into the chaos swirling around you. It’s totally possible to stand within the eye of the storm and calm it completely with one simple thing:


Love dissolves anything that is not loving.

And trust me, I know how hard it is to look at everything going on around you and around the world and wonder how that could be possible. I know how hard it is to TRUST that there is another way. I know how hard it is to let go when all you want to do is hold on tight.

It’s counter-intuitive. But trust me when I tell you that letting go of all of it and standing within the pure space of love is what will make things right again.

Holding on tighter will not save you. Only letting go and letting love all the way in will.

Learn to be YOU again. ❤️

You are so worth it.

And I’m here to help. Just reach out. . .

Who’s with me?

If you’re ready to embody your message and your mission on this planet, I’d love to speak with you. Fill out the application on my website and I’ll be in touch to setup a conversation. https://annieanderson.com/new-application/

Originally published at medium.com