First things first — the job you want and need is available right now. That’s not just preachy false hope. It is available. It’s not as easy to find as it was several months ago, but that should serve as inspiration. Remember this: Don’t get discouraged and never give up.

The last two months have knocked a lot of us on our asses. If you’re reading this and you’ve lost your job, I’m truly sorry for the jolt to your life. The loss of income can be a massive setback. The stunning moment when we first get that email or phone call from HR feels like shock waves pulsating through our mind and body.

I’ve lost out on four speaking engagements that would have paid me over $35K. What I’ll never know is how many prospective coaching clients have shied away due to financial reasons.

My former company laid off nearly 20% of its workforce. It wouldn’t be shocking if more layoffs were to come. This is just a microcosm of the churn entrepreneurs and full-time employees are feeling across the country — and world.

The uncertainty ahead is difficult to manage — if we let it get to us. This is why it’s so crucial that we stay focused on the present and what we can control today.

It’s imperative for job-seekers right now not to look too far ahead, but rather to assess the landscape and determine where they fit best. Maybe you have the luxury of taking some time off, using some weeks to relax and refresh. Regardless, at some point, you’ll need to take control of your job search.

Here are 3 game-changing tips right now for job hunters to take their careers back and get what you deserve.

1) Be willing to adapt

This is #1 for this reason alone: I’m going to ask you to make a mindset shift around the way you view adversity. It likely doesn’t feel this way now, but this adversity is going to be a huge blessing. In my life, the times I’ve been laid off or fired from a job, it ended up leading me closer to my true calling. Those times have inspired me and led me to what I really wanted to do.

When you have the mindset that adversity is your best friend, you will always come out a winner. You’ll be better able to adapt which is what you need to move forward with confidence.

Look at your core skill set. From there, extrapolate out and determine what other jobs you can do (aside from the exact job you want). Think about positions that are outside of the industry you’ve been working in, but match your functional skill set. Better yet — find the jobs that match up with your passion, if able. Adapt your mindset. Adapt your skill set.

In times of crisis like now with Covid-19, you may not be able to get exactly what you want. But as Mick Jagger said, if you try, you’ll get what you need.

Focus on your skills. And focus on what the market needs. This begins with shaping your job hunt around a winning mindset.

2) Get creative

If you’ve been looking and struggling to find a full-time role — be willing to take part-time roles that fit your schedule. Most important, don’t look at it like the next job you find has to be the job of your dreams. If you need to make a lateral move, do it. Worst-case scenario, you take a small step backward. We all need to do what we have to do to survive.

The telehealth industry is blowing up right now. Amazon and Walmart are hiring factory workers, store workers, and more. Companies like Zoom and Slack that specialize in digital technology needs are thriving right now. Think about the customers’ needs. When you frame your search around need, you look at things differently.

There are remote jobs available if you’re willing to look.

You can make a living as a writer online here on Medium and on other platforms. You can offer your skills on Linked in using ProFinder or on Upwork, Fiverr, and other marketplaces. The point is, get creative and don’t limit yourself to stale thinking. Because the same thinking that worked 5 months ago won’t work now.

3) Don’t panic

This too shall pass. It may feel like forever right now, but you have to keep the focus on your short and long-term health and happiness. Given this is mental health awareness month, this is a great time to take up a meditation practice and start quieting your mind and listening to your inner thoughts.

I use the app, Insight Timer, which also has empowering meditations and helps me to visualize happiness, fulfillment, and success while speaking positive words over my life. The point is, this is not the time to panic. This is the time to holistically focus on your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Practice mindfulness. Get outside and go for a run. Take the pressure off yourself and you’ll think more clearly and creatively.

View this as an opportunity and you won’t be filled with anxiety. Bolster your skillset. Let’s say you’re a project manager, for example. Perhaps you’ve been pushing off getting your certification in project management (e.g. PMP — which is what I have). You now have the time and motivation to do it.

You can take an online course, read a great, new book on emotional intelligence, strike up connections with those in similar positions by joining or forming an online group via social media.

What you want may not be there. What you need likely is.

Remember —

Don’t panic. Control what you can control.

Get creative and focus on what employers need.

Adapt your mindset for the new frontier ahead of you.

Originally published on Ladders.

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