Are you wondering how highly successful people win?
Well, they revealed their “secrets” , which are so simple that everyone can copy them immediately.

In fact, I’m not the first person writing about them, yet it seems like nobody is using these tools.. Just to name a few people that use this routine ..Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins, Hal Erod..

So how does it work? It varies. But here are the 5 key steps:

1. Jump out of bed as fast as you can

Successful people get up once they wake, there isn’t a second they waste in bed just to relax. This habit allows them to be more disciplined which leads to better self-control, energy management and effective prioritizing.

2. After waking up, drink 2 cups of cold water

Your body dehydrates during sleep and feeling sleepy in the mornings is a sign for that. So make it a habit to drink at least 2 cups of cold water. Why cold? Researchers have found that drinking cold water boosts up your metabolism, which is not only beneficial for weight loss but also for feeling more energized.

3. Have some type of calmness exercise

I highly recommend some type of mindfulness exercise. Practice sitting up straight(no cross legs needed, chair is fine) in silence, accepting thoughts and feelings popping up in your mind and letting them go without any force. Once you get distracted, gently come back to your focal point, whether it’s your breath or body, doesn’t really matter, just do what suits you best. One session per day is enough, I recommend starting with 5-minute sessions, which you gradually increase — 20 minutes seem to be bring most people (including me) the best ROI in terms of overall inner calmness for time practiced. BUT don’t expect immediate results, it needs at least 1–2 weeks consistent practice and it does only get better from there on.

I recommend starting with a free app like Insight Timer, Headspace or Calm to get started.

4. Journal or free write (optional)

Most successful people take a few minutes to write something down, this really depends on what type of person you are. I suggest you to try out the 5-Minute Journal, which helps you starting the day being grateful for what you have, prioritizing the most important tasks for the day and setting the right mindset for the day through affirmations (=repeating phrases for a few minutes while visualizing them), which helps even world’s best athletes to increase their overall performance.

5. Earn your shower

Last but not least, get active. 10 minutes are enough for a good sweat. That does not only activate your metabolism but also helps feeling refreshed, feeling somehow smooth. It brightens up your day, so no excuses!

I recommend doing some type of HIIT training or hitting the gym to get a short intense workout which fires up your heart rate.

And this was already it. If you stay true to this routine, the day is yours. So start the next morning, it will feel hard at first but after a week you’ll enjoy it. You’ll get up with passion and drive for the day and nothing can stop you, so why not ? If thats what it takes to be successful then why not?

But to start the morning in a good way you will need to get a good nights rest. ?Even better you need it to be energizing you for the upcoming day. There’s a hack to that, find out more on how to end your days in order to perform best HERE.

⏱ ⏱ ⏱ BUT WHAT IF YOU HAVEN’T GOT ANY TIME LEFT? Then check out the 5 seconds meditation HERE. ⏱ ⏱ ⏱

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