Hello Fam, it is time for a progress check. So much has happened. Let’s get started!!!

ACCESS: The ACCESS Learning Preference App is available on iTunes and Google Play! Monetizing the app has been quite an adventure, who knew… The finish product pleases me and I am in the process of working on another app with my team so, be on the look out.

I’ve had to tweak my new advertising campaign. At this point, the focus is of course all aspects of ACCESS; writing, speaking, consulting, coaching and book tours. I am looking to add 12 more consulting clients this year, secure 2 more speaking engagements per month, sell an additional 100 books per month, submit at least one article per day to an online publication, have my app downloaded 500 times per month, upload three videos per week to my YouTube channel and start a podcast station. Putting all this on paper seems daunting but doable.

Family: We are currently focusing on activities to build confidence; the confidence to stumble without being defeated or broken. Didn’t do well on a test, no problem, we will learn new study techniques. Don’t clean your room like mommy, no worries; you’ll get better as you get older. Organizing your belongings is difficult for you, totally fine; I’ll help until you are able to organize on your own. Let them know you have shortcomings but you also work hard to learn. Build confidence one layer at a time.

Fitness: I know I mentioned before, I prefer being outside; walking, jogging, running, anything… Well who knew my body would stiffen up from lack of yoga. Now I am walking / jogging and doing yoga. The two together seem like the perfect marriage. Best piece of advice I can offer is continue to press on even when faced with obstacles. Don’t talk about it, be about it.

Nutrition: I often struggle with eating health. Did you know Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos are vegan??? I found out recently. The number of vegan junk food items will amaze. The struggle is real. So to combat my emotional connect to junk food I changed my thinking. It is no longer about being vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, or even paleo, it’s the emotion, psychological and physical connection to food and how shifting your perspective will impact you decisions. How do you feel when you partake in certain culinary pleasures? How do you want to feel? What steps do you need to take to feel optimum? How can you start the process? Change your mind, change your life. Just Decide.

Faith: I am not a prayer or mediation scholar, but long ago I was told prayer is when you need to talk to God and mediation is when you need God to talk to you and this idea is in alignment with my belief system. My husband and I pray together every morning. We have much to be thankful for and this is our time to show gratitude. We all deal with parenting challenges, but being a mom is one of the greatest gifts I ever received and every night, before bed I pray over my girls and thank God for them. Choose to be mindfully aware of this wonderful life.

Financial: We are saving aggressively for our transition. We have to sacrifice a few things but the family is excited about things to come. Exercise inspired action because greatness is on the horizon.

What I’ve learned: Sometimes all you can do is take the next right step because you know, even in uncertainty, everything is falling into place.

Dr. Shanelle R. Benson Reid, President and CEO of ACCESS Global, LLC. is a Consultant, Coach, Author and Professional Speaker. Her expertise is in Education, Cultural Competency, Social Awareness, Entrepreneurship and Community / Individual Empowerment.

Feel free to connect. I love feedback.

Website: www.access-learning.net

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ACCESSCandC/

Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/ACCESSLearning

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACCESSACandC

Instagram: www.instagram.com/access_global_llc

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ACCESSCandC/educated-encouraged-and-empowered/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9EUVvfBV829F4t7sofYKGQ

Scheduling: calendly.com/accessglobal

Phone: 800.803.2095

Originally published at medium.com