I just posted about this story in my No-Diet Sisterhood Facebook group but wanted to share it with the world because it was such a huge realization for me and an important reminder for all of you.

A woman had contacted me last week to be a panelist for her wellness summit. After speaking with her briefly today, she turned me down because my email list didn’t meet their quota. I could have lied to the woman and told her that my list was, but that’s just not my style. She said she’ll talk to her marketing people and see if they can make an exception. To be honest, I’m okay either way. In the past, I would have been very upset and felt “less than” and likely obsessed about the opportunity I was missing, but not this time! This is massive growth!

Rather than get upset or try to convince her that I was “worthy” of being a panelist (which I know I am) or talking trash to myself, I told her (in a very nice way) that I’ve done several summits in years past and people love to hear me speak. This is the truth! 🙂 I will not allow a BS number determine my worthiness as a panelist or for anything else. If the universe believes this summit is a match for my talent and an appropriate place to deliver my message, it will happen.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

So, you see, when I stopped allowing the scale to determine my worth years ago, that has trickled into all the other areas of my life too not just how I feel about my weight and/or my body! This is the HUGE gift of healing our relationships with food!

You see, you get to decide that you’re worthy every day. Don’t allow the size of your jeans, the number on the scale or the meal you just ate determine your worth. Always remember that there is no achievement, no decision or action that determines our worthiness. We‘re worthy just by being born.

Are you still allowing the size of your jeans, your weight or any other silly number determine your worth?

Originally published at medium.com