A few weeks ago, I hosted a mamapreneurship telesummit. I gathered 5 experts, who are also mamapreneurs, and asked them to share with us how they balance business & baby.

The event lasted for 5 days. Filled with ah-ha moments and quotables!

The interviews were short and sweet, but also filled with many great tips to incorporate into your own life whether you are a mamapreneur or you work full-time.

In today’s world, with social media, we only get to see people’s highlight reel..and no one’s REAL reel! We think every else has their shit together and that we’re the only ones completely losing our cool. IT IS NOT TRUE!

That’s where the telesummit comes in! 5 experts sharing with you the tools you need to become a rocking (and balanced) mamapreneur.

Here are my biggest takeaways from the experts:

Day 1 — Amber Lilyestrom, branding & business strategist.

  1. Favorite tool –> Google calendar. Let your calendar do the work for you.
     Set some “work windows” in your calendar and stick to them. 
     2) No phone in bedroom! Cell goes on airplane mode at night. 
     Be present with what you are doing. 
     That way you will be more focused and present in your work.
     3) Important lesson: Stay in your lane, do not compare yourself to others. Use it as an opportunity to learn and get inspired from them. 
     *Be where your feet are.*
     *She had the courage to have a dream, she had the courage to pursue it.*
     Grab your freebie -> Turn Your Brand Into Dream Client Magnet at www.AmberLilyestrom.com

Day 2 — Jaclyn Mellone, mindset & marketing mentor

1)Balance baby & business: There are times where you need more time with kids, other times where you need more time with business. 
 Push and pull.
 2) Be flexible, take each change as it comes. *Hire for your business instead of hiring for your household.*
 Rethink the structure of your business: I’m working all these hours; do I need to be? Am I focusing on my zone of genius? Am I showing up the best for my clients and helping them the best way I can?
 Spend more FOCUSED time on your business.
 3) Lesson: {pee story} 
 1) Importance of having a mentor/coach/doctor!
 2) Celebrate all of the little milestones!
 3) I’m adding one: Get some fresh air! (hihi)
 Grab your freebie Guide to Own Your Inner Expert-> at www.jaclynmellone.com/expert

Day 3 — Liza Witonis, personal finance coach

1) ASK FOR HELP! Lean on your tribe. Find a Business Bestie!
 2) Clear definition: What does working through naptime mean to you? What does success mean to you?
 3) Lesson: Honoring where you are and have gratitude for every part of the transition.
 Find and receive.
 Self-love is really really really important! If you are not able to put aside 15 minutes for yourself, you are not going to be able to serve anybody else. If you are not giving yourself that time, you are not going to be in your highest power.
 *We have the ability to shift and change whatever we want our business and our life to look like.*
 Find Liza online at www.lizawitonis.com
 + Energy for zmombies -> **Arbonne fizzies** (contact Liza for more info!)

Day 4 — Vanessa Corazon, business & life psychic medium and coach.

1) Receiving unsolicited advice like: “If you don’t make time for your business, it will fail”. Take a step back and take some time to reflect. It’s a wakeup call to look and prioritize -> Realize that your work will be a bit chaotic. What is your success going to look like? How can I be OK with the mess?
 2) Lesson: As moms, we are hard on ourselves. We see everyone one social media doing it all. If that’s legit — thumbs up — but in most cases you will have a sick kid on your shoulder, you will be interrupted when you are trying to write your content.
 The important part is not so much that you ticked all those boxes of, but that your kids are loved, fed AND you got some of your stuff done.
 3) Let go of expectations. What are our values and how can we best meet them while still filling our own cups, then, we have happier lives.
 You can find Vanessa’s facebook group at Sacred Hustle

Day 5 — Nadia Castonguay, health & wellness coach

  1. There are many different ways to make it work. You need to find what works for you and that’s what’s important.
     2) Balance Baby & Business: BE FULLY PRESENT!
     *If you are trying to do it all, you are not doing anything at all!*
     Book some time to work on your business and book some time to be with your kids.
     3) How to sneak health into your day:
     a) Use the Pomodoro method. 25 minutes of focused work + 5 minute move-your-body break
     (Get the free 5 minute workouts HERE)
     b) Drink some water and not just Entrepreneur juice
     c) Take a real lunch break
     You can find Nadia hanging out in her facebook group Woowoo Mama Wellness Community

And there you have it! 3 takeaways x 5 experts = 15 AMAZING TIPS on how you can balance business & baby!

Tell me, which tip will you be implementing right away?

Originally published at medium.com