What comes to mind when you hear the word mother, mom or mommy?
Most people think, nurturer, carer, loving, kind.
Some might go as far as thinking stay at home, unreliable.
But very little think to use the word leader.
When in truth when we look at mothers all over the world they are indeed the leaders of the next generations leaders, their children.
Mothers factually and according to most research are the primary and also know as the dominant parental figure/care giver in a childs life.
So what does this mean?
It means that the majority of a childs beliefs,(good or bad)value and culture is made up from the mothers belief system.
Research teaches us that a childs receptivity is highly stimulated from the age of 0-7, therefore most of its core learning, belief or culture is made up from the period of time when they are typically spent with the dominant parental figure, the mother.
Want a brighter future?
Raise the knowledge and support given to mothers.
By helping mothers to recognise that they are in fact leaders of the potential next generations leaders will most defintely change the outlook of a childs ability to dream, to achieve and to set goals.
Often the labour market turns to the graduates to stabilise the economy, to be leaders missing out on the gold that sits under the radar, mothers.
Mothers have tremendous transferable skills, they are motivator, leaders, they have the ability to prioritise, they are empathetic, consistent, constructive all great qualities that make them exceptional leaders and all they need is the chance to be seen, to believe they can.
Coaching mothers to create harmony between there parental responsbilities and there personal goals is more beneficial then speaking the language of sacrifice to them.
When a women becomes a mother as a society we tell her of all the sacrifices she will have to make, inputting the theory that she will become unworthy or her value will drop and that creates instant instability and anxiety into her experience of motherhood.
Instead as a society we can raise her up, tell her what a great leader she will become, highlight all the skills she will gain that she can transfer into her career, her goals, her life because when we teach a mother to rise she teaches her children to do the same.
A mother that believes in herself inspires her children to believe anything is possible.
Help mothers to change the narrative of motherhood from sacrificers to leaders and we can do this together not only through coaching mothers, creating opportunities for them to thrive, teaching them how to nurture themselves so that they can navigate there way thorough motherhood equipt to expand to grow, to be empowered by their identity, but by passing this message on, that it is safe for them to be proud of being a leader.

Because they are leaders and the future of society depends on how they teach, nurture, motivate and inspire their children.


  • Leonie

    Motherhood Journey consultant

    The empowerment of mothers has never been more important than it is now, we are slowly starting to wake up to the fact that mothers are often the dominant parental figure in a child's life, therefore is shaping the future of society with her ability to lead and nurture her children. Giving mothers the right tools to do so has never been more critical to the outlook on how our next generations leaders will look  and  what they will stand for. Thousands of mothers each year struggle with knowing their worth as it's not commonly celebrated the importance of mothers and their motherhood journey. Beyond mothers day mothers are expected to shrink and to fit into this stereotypical perception that the world has on mothers. We only have to look at the struggles mothers have accessing genuine and fulfiling careers or how they are still being shamed into "bouning back" quickly after child birth as if that is the most important aspect of motherhood.