“What’s stopping me from stepping into a leader I want to be?”

That’s what my client asked in one of our coaching sessions. She’s taken leadership trainings, reads books, listens to audios, podcasts and attends every possible personal development seminars out there.

But she can feel something is missing. She has all the knowledge but it’s not making her powerful. True that. Because knowledge isn’t power. Knowledge and taking action on it is power. 

Most of the time, we’re the ones who’s in the way of our success – whatever your definition of success is. I believe that we all have the infinite potential to tap into our genius that we were born with and step into our personal leadership skill. And all it takes is a little nudge or a different perceptive for us to be able to do that.

1. A powerful formula

Intention + Action = Result.

We all have the intent of what we want to do. However, if we stop at the intention, then it’s only a wish. We wish we were happier. We wish we were 5kg lighter. We wish we had a successful business. We wish we had the confidence.

Wishing alone isn’t enough. Have the intention of what we are going to achieve and following through that by taking action. Actions don’t have to be big steps. Baby steps. Small and consistent steps will move you towards results. As the saying goes, “you can’t steer a parked car” so at least get your car moving so you can navigate it to a direction.

2. Integrity of your words

Integrity isn’t something that exists only when we’re dealing with others. Integrity starts within us.

Do you keep your words? Do you do what you say you would?

When you do what you said you would, even as simple as waking up at 7am without snoozing the alarm. When we do that, we take inspired action, our words have weight and we respect ourselves even more. 

3. We don’t need to have it all together, all the time.

We’re all humans. We have our moments where we feel like ‘a mess’, having to deal with not only daily stresses but also emotional rollercoaster rides. 

It’s ok to be messy; it makes us human.

It is about recognising that we’re a little messy right now and that we need to take time off to recalibrate and recuperate. And when it’s time, it’s about putting our emotions in the passenger seat acknowledging that they’re there while we drive to our direction.

4. Words have power

How many times do we say things to hurt ourselves? I’m not good enough. I don’t know enough. I don’t have what it takes to be a leader.

When we repeat that inner critic on a daily basis, it becomes a programming where we’re convincing ourselves that we’re not worthy enough. It’s about paying attention to what we’re saying to ourselves. It’s a habit. And because it’s a habit, we can create a new habit too – which is to say the opposite. Start with little praises. What I find really works is when you catch yourself saying something that doesn’t serve you, consciously think of five things that will neutralise the negative words. 

There are many aspects to becoming a great leader. But it all starts from within – leading your inner-self. So before I go, here are some questions for you to get brutally honest, ponder and leave a comment below.

1. Do your actions align to your words?
2. Do you show up for your intentions?
3. Do you say you want to be happy, yet all you do is think of unhappy thoughts?
4. Do you say you want to make money, yet you just find excuses why you can’t?
5. Do you say you want to be a great leader, yet you spend most your time not taking any action?

If you say yes to at least one of them, then it’s time for you to do what you say you would and take action. 


If you’re ready to step up and step into your inner genius that you were born with, check out Be Charged.Life here.


This article was originally posted here