That’s right! Today represents the beginning of the end. The beginning is the start of something fresh and new. The end is the conclusion of something that has already started. We find ourselves in this place over and over at various points in life.

When you realized that you were done being beaten down mentally and physically, it was the beginning of the end. When you embraced the fact that your ultimate story is not stuck in your past, it was the beginning of the end. When you rejected the lies that the enemy spoke over your life, it was the beginning of the end. When you accepted the idea that you were created for greatness, it was the beginning of the end. The end came when your decision manifested into the strength you needed to move into your destiny.

If you have not yet experienced your beginning, get ready! It’s coming.

We all experience the beginning of the end naturally, through time. Each day, each week, each month, each year comes with a beginning of the end. As we move through the last month, the final phase, of this calendar year, I urge you to embrace the beginning of the end. And that, friend, starts with a decision. You have been fully equipped with the tools to propel you into your destiny. The question is whether you will make the decision. This is not a time to waiver. It is not a time to second guess yourself. It is a time to stand firmly on the things you know to be true.

Making a decision is not always easy. It is, however, required in order to move towards an end. Here are 3 tips that will help you in making your next decision.

1. Determine Your Values. What are the things that matter to you? What are the things that wake you up before the sun comes up? What keeps you up pacing the floors at night? What drives you into action? What legacy will you leave? The ultimate question is what are you willing to die for? You won’t be able to make a sound decision until you know what you really stand for. When you know what you truly stand for, what you truly embrace, you will be able to makes decisions that align with your values. Anything that does not line up with your values will automatically be dismissed as an option. You will become empowered to say NO to unaligned requests. You will eliminate guilt from disappointing others. You will become focused on your purpose and will begin to walk along a narrower path towards your destiny.

2. Seek Wisdom. Where do you turn for strength? How do you discern truth from lies? Who have you identified as councilman in your life? How do you confirm your thoughts and actions? Have you recognized that you cannot navigate the waters alone? Likewise, have you learned that everything is not meant for everybody to know and be a part of?

You are not on an island alone. Seeking wisdom first starts with prayer. There is no thought, feeling, or action unknown to your heavenly maker. If your mind and spirit dwell in Christ, the desires of your heart with be in alignment with Christ. Through His still small voice, and sometimes through an agent He sends, you will receive guidance to make the right decision for your situation. Notice that you are making a decision for YOUR situation. Your decision will not necessarily be the same as someone else who is experiencing or has experienced a similar situation. Getting words of encouragement from others simply provides another layer of information for you to process. The key is knowing who to listen to and how to dissect the information you receive as you walk in your purpose.

3. Believe. What do you believe? Who do you trust, God or man? What have you envisioned? When you consider future options, how do you feel? What statements and thoughts have you accepted as your reality? Are you operating from a place of logic or a place of faith?

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Our possibilities are endless and begins in our thought processes. Belief comes with a shift in your mindset. Given the world we live in, we have accepted a faulty system of limited beliefs. We allow our past to define our future. We compare our circumstances to others and accept their lack and limitations as our own. We fail to recognize our own personal potential and the capacity of strength that infills us. By allowing ourselves to open our minds, our vision grows and consumes us. When we are able to expand our beliefs from limited to endless options, we will allow ourselves to make decisions that propel us forward towards a desired end.

The end result is not guaranteed to fit your vision to the tee. However, when you determine your values, seek wisdom, and believe, you will make the right decisions that will kick off the beginning to a better, more controlled end. Remember Stephen Covey’s 7 steps of highly effective people? They begin with the end in mind. When you know where you’re going, you can take steps in the right direction.

What goals have you failed to achieve? What relationship do you need to break free from? What job has you locked in? What thoughts have kept you captive? What past mistake have you yet to forgive? What financial pit have you become prisoner to? What sin has you bound up? What lies have you believed? What insecurities have overtaken you? What dreams have you abandoned?

It’s time to take action against all of those things. Your tomorrow does not have to be like today. Today is the beginning of the end. You get to decide how it will end. What will you decide?

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