Are distractions taking you away from the work you want to do? Do you feel unsuccessful or unappreciated for your creative work? There are so many ways to define success. Look around and you will find people who define success for you if you let them. You can be swept up feeling unsuccessful when you are doing work you love, and you are doing it well. Being clear on your values will keep you on track and define your personal success.

It’s easy to look at a values sort or list of values, and pick out some that resonate with you. It takes more effort and assistance to prioritize your values, so you can accomplish the work you most value. Values can be broad concepts like life values; values can be things; or values can be ways of working. All values are important for prioritizing your work and focusing on what is most important to you.

Life values are the overreaching values that unconsciously direct decisions and actions. Your values will direct your goals and drive success for producing your creative work. A life values inventory is more valuable when you tell your story to a Career Counselor or Life Coach who will draw out your values while you tell your story. Your Life Coach will show you how prioritizing your values will help you more clearly define the work you want to do, communicate what is important to you with positive language, and eliminate unnecessary distractions.

It’s easy to question the value of creative work, especially when you spend days, weeks, and sometimes years to complete and publish a book or a project. That writing gremlin pops into your head questioning your motives. “Why am I doing this?” or “Am I wasting my time?” You can look back at your values, the values you defined for yourself, and know you are doing the work you were meant to do.

Image by: geralt, Pixabay