They’re back…your employees. And they’ve brought with them hopes and dreams for a new year. They’re currently filled with excitement and renewed energy for their personal and professional resolutions. They’re at their workstation going through the motions of getting back into the swing of things, but they’re secretly consumed by the goals they have committed to achieving.

Do you know what their plans are? If 45% of Americans are making a resolution this year, what does 45% equate to in your employee count? Unfortunately, 24% will never reach their goal. Talk about heartbreak.

Do you want to support them in achieving their goals? Of course you do…but how? How can you help them make it through the first few weeks of their intentions and even on to achieve their goal? According to Statistic Brain, 39% of people in their twenties achieve their resolution, while just 14% over 50 achieve their resolution. What does that look like for your workforce demographics?

Career Builder surveyed over 3,400 employees on their 2017 resolutions. Let’s look at the top few for 2017 and how your workplace can support your employees in achieving their new hopes and dreams:

Get a new job. (1 in 5 said this is their top resolution!). Uh-oh. Better start working to keep your employees before they jump ship! The damage isn’t necessarily done. Get to the root of why they are leaving. Perhaps it’s just a new role they’re searching for — do you have internal options? Make sure you keep your talent!

Save more of my pay. 49% said financial well-being is so important to them that they resolved to save more. Sure, you may have a savings plan, but do your employees know how to maximize (or even use) the benefit? Financial well-being is one of the fastest growing trends in employer well-being programs. Offer seminars and coaching on a variety of financial topics to help them feel secure in life while at work.

Be less stressed. If you can address one condition in your workplace in 2017, make it stress. Stress not only affects their productivity, but it leads to a myriad of health concerns as it manifests itself in so many ways. Look at your workplace policies, procedures, and programs for addressing an overworked, tired, and stressed-out workforce.

Get a raise or promotion. About a third of your staff is itching to rise up in your organization. Do you have ways for them to advance their careers within your company? From learning opportunities — certifications, programs, and classes — through career ladder projections, let them know their options so you can recognize their hard work. (This also affects all of the resolutions above!)

Eat healthier at work. It’s common to try to help them satisfy their cravings and create a home-away-from-home atmosphere with junk food vending machines, pizza-sponsored meetings, and little bowls of candy around every corner. But if you open the fridge in the office kitchen, there’s a good chance it’s currently packed with prepped lunch bags and containers from home. Look first to your company sponsored catering plan. How are you fueling the brains of your talent during your meetings? Are you providing a variety of healthy options while still giving a sweet treat? Take a look at menu options, survey your staff, and consult with a registered dietitian to make the best decisions. Replace a few vending machine slots with healthier options, and offer fruit in the candy bowls once a week. Small changes here and there will reap big rewards!

Take time to discuss resolutions your employees have identified. Create a resolution committee to discuss ways you can make changes in your workplace to be supportive, caring, considerate, and enthusiastic. They spend one-third (or more!) of their day with you, so showing you are mindful about their resolutions will build an incredible culture for years of resolutions to come.

This article was originally published on LinkedIn.

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