Work From Home

The remote workforce is pitied of both high risk and mass layoffs associated with essential roles. Its versatility is the envy of many. However, the picture isn’t rosy entirely. The white-collar professionals remote working are being burned out by isolation and street despite the financial success.

Head of research at Morneau Shepell Paula Allen says, “People use the word pandemic fatigue, but that underestimates what we are going through; most of us are at the point of emotional exhaustion.”

“There is so much going on presently. And nobody can point the finger at it,” says Denis Trottier, KPMG Canada’s chief mental-health officer, who was semi-retired till the pandemic took him back to work full time.

Management consultant, Bryn Ferris who works from home (WFH), his company has done well enough to keep every individual employed. For several months, he felt satisfied that his business wasn’t critically affected. Later, he shares his feelings, saying he feels much harrowing and the emotion is hard to define; he describes it as a “steady-state numbness.” There is little joy day out and in, while it’s a battle to get motivated yourself.

He further adds, “I sympathize with the feeling that we ought to call it so great,” But it is such a terrifying problem lately that he’s past doubting it or striving to power through it. Like many others, he’s hit the wall and does not find a way out. “I am lost in purgatory,” he states.


However, many people working from home are putting in longer hours; they work 2 to 2.5 hours extra than before the pandemic. The hour’s employees spent away from vacation fell around 20% last year to around 40% less.


“Watch your thoughts; they become words;

watch your words; they become actions;

watch your actions; as they become habits;

watch your habits; as they become character;

watch your character; it’s your destiny.” – Lao Tzu

To address all remote burnout, most businesses have to rethink how to overcome the surrounding mental health stigma; they need to spend on employee assistance programs. This will be a perpetual uphill struggle, but companies stand to gain from a healthy workforce.

“A man is the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he acts and becomes.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Hindering Mental Health Check While Working from Home

Take essential steps to enhance your mental health while working from home, and you will shrug off the depression, loneliness, anxiety, and other issues workers face.

  • Do you notice any change in mental health while working from home?
  • Are you battling with the feeling of even though you can whenever you want?
  • Do you feel stressed despite not having a commute?

Work from home (WFH) jobs challenges your mental health. It can turn optimistic, fruitful worker bees into tired, irritable toads and unmotivated. Hence before you “hit rock bottom,” learn how to spot whether work from home is causing breakdown; it will help you address efficiently.

Are You Aware of the Psychological Effects of Work from Home? 

We have listed some of the common psychological effects of work from home, check to know which issues are faced by digital nomads and remote workers.

Loneliness & Isolation

You can spend days not talking with anyone when you do not have to go anywhere to work. However, it would help if you bypassed distracting workers, you can miss the social aspects of venting and chatting about life when working remotely. 

Its camaraderie does not translate similarly over Slack; this disconnectivity from coworkers and the world can make you feel isolated and lonely. However, loneliness is associated with a great rate of depression, somatic symptoms, and anxiety.

Anxiety, Stress, and Pressures

Working from home anxiety leads to many forms, including:

  • Pressure to hustle 24/7;
  • Stress from wearing multiple hats.

Have to discover work and then create it? You presumably squeeze work whenever you can. However, without time to unplug and disconnect, you risk burning out. The boundary between professional and home life is getting blurry for most people; hence they feel pressure when they must be off.

Working from home needs time management, customer service, invoicing skills, marketing, IT troubleshooting, and much more. Switching between those hats many times a day preference wears out anyone.


Work from home (WFH) depression mainly causes when you’re stuck. Without career milestones such as a new nameplate on the desk and a fancy office, you might not feel like you are getting as much as your peers.

The loneliness, stress, and anxiety of work from home leads to depression and makes it worse. Depression is not just feeling down; the Mayo Clinic has identified some of the depression symptoms, this includes:

  • Angry outbursts, frustration, or irritability (even over small matters);
  • Loss of interest;
  • Sleep disturbances, including sleeping much and insomnia;
  • Tiredness and lack of energy;
  • Increased cravings for food;
  • Agitation, restlessness, and anxiety;
  • Trouble thinking;
  • Unexpected physical issues like headaches, back pain, etc.
  • They are often wanting to stay at home instead of going out to do new activities or socialize.

The good news is now you no longer have to suffer while working from home; follow a few essential steps to stay healthy and activate during work from home.

Steps to Consider for Maintaining Your Health During Work from Home

Taking extra care of your mental and physical health is as essential as eating nourishing food. First thing first, it is okay not to be okay. Honor where you’re, wherever that may be. Second, know it is your power to possess a happy brain by making simple adjustments:

Create Routine & Stick to Schedule

Love to stick to work as per your preference? More than 40% of people say flexible schedules are part of working remotely. But it’s how you organize those hours in the day that makes all the difference.

  • Do you have a daily schedule?
  • A set routine you follow?

When you organize the tasks and outline goals, you mentally prepare yourself for what to expect during the day. Then it is easier to work towards achieving the goals you target instead of vaguely meandering towards them. The schedule prevents tasks not on to-do lists from creeping into the day. It is essential to schedule analog breaks, set aside time to escape all digital screens. Give your neck, eyes, shoulders, and back a needed rest.

Upgrade Home Office

The survey shows that more than 84% of remote workers get business done from home. But do you like to work from home? If you don’t have a dedicated workspace, make priority number one. Bonus tips can close the door to physically and mentally separate home and work life if you have a different office.

However, you can outfit the home office as per your preference. Make sure to include:

  • Wide desk;
  • A comfortable and ergonomic chair that provide supports;
  • Dope sound system.

Perform Some Activities

Fight the urge to schedule an active time and stay sedentary, helping you keep your heart pumping. Go for a bike ride or walk, practice hip hop, yoga, and other activities as well. Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes daily can help in decreasing anxiety levels. 

You will boost serotonin and endorphins to flood your brain with happiness. Plus, working out distracts noggin from working issues so that you can relax your mind and body.

Reform Mental Health When You Work From Home!

Following the above tips, it is helping you to protect your mental health from anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Many working remotely have a hard time while dealing with their day-to-day activities. You can even take the support of a mental health expert or doctor, speak to them if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression.

Always remember, “Tomorrow is Fresh Start.”