We all know that we, as women, have to face many challenges during our life and we need to be ready for that. So, young woman, always remember no matter what:

Even if your own family inexorably opposes to your ideas, don’t give up

Even if your father condemns your dreams for being too extravagant, don’t give up

Even if you are discriminated at school for not wearing designer clothes or being fashionable, don’t give up

Even if you have to learn to grow faster to cope with the chaos around you, don’t give up

Even if you have to prove to your teachers how smart you are, don’t give up

Even if you are called “weird” for not committing to a love relationship, don’t give up

Even if you have to work to study while others enjoy their time, don’t give up

Even if people judge you for not choosing the right profession, don’t give up

Even if others condemn you for not following the vocation of mother, do not give up

Even if you have to change careers because you really want to find your passion, don’t give up

Even if they tell you that your plans are impossible to carry out, don’t give up

Even if you are harassed at work just for being a woman, don’t give up

Even if people criticize you for being an independent woman, don’t give up

Even if your success at your work puts in doubt your dignity, don’t give up

Even if the love of your life does not support your plans, don’t give up

Even if other mothers judge you for wanting more out of life, don’t give up

Even if people discredit your role at work just for being a woman, don’t give up

And above all, woman, even if nobody believes in you, don’t give up … being a woman is the biggest obstacle, if you manage to overcome that, you are capable of anything.