Do you find yourself starting a new routine over and over but never quite getting it to stick? You try to set up systems and daily practices – but every time, they fall by the wayside. You start to feel like a failure.

The problem isn’t centered around task setup and time management. It’s in all in your head, and here’s why.

When you try to create a new habit but don’t really believe you’ll be able to do it, you’re doomed before you even start. There’s a small but powerful voice inside you whispering that “you’re not cut out for this“, and “who are you to even try?“.

I call this inner voice the Inner Critic, but you may also hear it referred to as the Lizard, or the Impostor Syndrome.

Seth Godin recently shared this on his blog about the Impostor Syndrome:

“Yes, you’re an imposter. So am I and so is everyone else. Superman still lives on Krypton and the rest of us are just doing our best. Isn’t doing your best all you can do? Dropping the narrative of the impostor isn’t arrogant, it’s merely a useful way to get your work done without giving into Resistance. Time spent fretting about our status as impostors is time away from dancing with our fear, from leading and from doing work that matters.”

When you spend your time talking about and analyzing the impostor syndrome, you reduce your chance of ever making a difference in the world.

The more you let that Inner Critic voice make you hesitate, the less progress you’ll make. You’ll continue to run around in circles, getting nowhere.

Creating habits takes work, patience, and consistency. If you don’t make the time, it won’t ever happen. So start cultivating the habit, whether it’s 15 min/day, or 1 hr/week, or 1 day/week…and stick with it.

Don’t get caught up in your own story. Analyzing our stories can be a spectacular way to procrastinate. Notice what is holding you back, acknowledge it, and get on with things.

Whatever that first step is toward making progress on your goals, commit to it. Commit, and practice. Even when it’s hard. Even when you don’t want to.

Giving up is easy. Seeing it through is worth it.

Want some help with this? See how you can work with me and get those habits to stick once and for all!

Originally published at