So why does having higher standards make you more successful?

You are going to be propelled to take the massive action required to fulfill your dreams. When you are comfortable with lower standards, you typically lay around in your fears. This means you might be afraid to do something differently because of what other people will say about your own changes. Even more, you could fear what raising your standards will do to you internally.

You might lose friends because you would rather stay in on a Friday night to work on your business projects.

Your family might not support you because you finally told them to stop speaking to you in a negative manner.

Usually though, people just force themselves to become ok with where they are to tap into their fears. If you say you want to lose weight this year, but you are fine with your body now, then you probably won’t put a lot of effort towards changing it. Let’s say you have to lose weight in order to live, you will go all out to ensure your body is fit to live in. Those extreme circumstances will force you to up level drastically, but the most successful people are proactive and raise their standards because they want to be better from within. They are more likely to create a lasting change with these standards because it was a choice they made, not because they had to, but because they wanted to.

Raising your standards creates the feelings of you having what you want now. Lately, I have been working on building global brands with all of my businesses. That means everything that has my companies’ name on it has to be pure perfection. Yes, it is costing me lots of money, but I know every dollar I spend on my dreams will come back to me in 100 fold.

I literally treat all of our platforms of speaking, writing, and media branding like someone will want to become an investor or partner today. I believe that everyone who is connected to my brand is a walking billboard, so I have raised the bar on who I hire and fire. Our website has upgraded times 100 because people from all over the globe are looking at it right now. We have reached out to our current clients to see what we can do to better assist them. The way we do marketing has become so popular that people have asked me how we do it.

I wasn’t upgrading just to have a “good looking brand”. I did it because I knew my current and future customers deserved to have my absolute best. I couldn’t get away with half-way doing things for long. Sure, customers were satisfied, but I wasn’t. Upgrading makes you become hungry for more and a magnet to success.

MAGICAL THINGS happen when you apply those new standards to seriously upgrade.

The first is that people take you more seriously in what you are trying to achieve. This is very critical in your business and career. If you are expanding your social media platforms with images that are not a real representation of your brand, then people will not know who you really are and what you have to offer. They will by pass your work because it just wasn’t appealing to them in the packaging of it. When you start upgrading to create world renowned products and services, people will beat down your door to work with you.

I remember what happened when I decided to get an internal payment processing system for my primary tutoring business. It was a bit scary for me because it costed a couple of hundred dollars. But I just knew it would make my life easier having multiple locations of centers, and I could easily automate payments with a card on file. As soon as I did that, tons of more students signed up to work with us. The crazy thing is that it was not something visible that they knew about. It was just a sign to me that upgrading was the right next move.

The real magic happens when you are proud of your work. That is what will speed up your success and take you quantum leaps in your business. With all of the upgrades happening so quickly, I was beyond ecstatic to share my work with the world. It felt right to show it because I knew it was powerful. I was certain that it would change the world.

Upgrading allows you to put your best foot forward. It sends you on this momentous quest to be and do more than you ever have. Success will seek you out when you give your all to your dreams.

Call to Action

If you are looking to raise your standard of living in 2018, check out my YouTube Channel to gain more insight on how to transform your life from the inside out!