With the rise of anxiety, depression and illness today, the call to meditate has never been stronger. Meditation does more than just help you relax. When you understand your reality you will understand why meditation should be a part of your daily ritual. For those who have experienced the physical and subtle effects of meditation, it has been life changing.

Let’s look at what is meditation?

Today there are various definitions and types of meditation depending on which school you are coming from. 

Note that there is nothing religious about meditation. So it does not matter what your believe system is, whether you believe in God or Divine Light or Universal Energy or Life Force Energy. Is all about merging with the infinite power or the infinite intelligence which is the source of all creation and which resides within us. 

What is important is to know that you are more than your physical body. You are energy first before matter. Through meditation you journey in to merge with that energy, your inner self, your infinite self, Source, which takes you in to your infinite state. Many people today suffer with anxiety and depression simply because they are no longer connected to their infinite being. They live in fear not realising the power that they have within them that is connected to the infinite intelligence of the Universe. The power to bring change and live their best life. The power to connect to their innate state which is pure love and joy. Fear is the number one blockage in life. 

Note, meditation is more than mindfulness. In fact mindfulness is only part of meditation. Mindfulness is about being aware of your thoughts and with the emotions that go with it and letting them go. It’s about focusing on your breath and being present in the here and now which is the first phase of meditation. Mindfulness can help you relax and help with personal development. However through meditation, it is much deeper. One is able to achieve ecstasy where you merge with pure love, light, peace and joy which is your true essence. You merge with Source / Universal energy and bring in this energy to raise your energy and activate higher light codes. It helps with clearing away unwanted imprints in the energetic DNA and activate higher DNA strands leading to higher state of consciousnesses. 

This brings us to our existence. Our entire existence is the manifestation of our energy. Our physical body is the manifestation of Source / Universal energy oscillating through the dimensions eventually vibrating at high speed merging with earth forming into matter, the physical body. It is the same with the entire Universe. It is the Harmonic Universe within which everything is formed. Therefore we are both light and matter. Our soul is on a journey. Our mission in every lifetime is to embody more light and ascend as we realign to our inner being and live our physical earthly life to the fullest. This happens as we heal our blocks, release the old paradigm and understand our existence. We are then no longer attached to limiting beliefs or ways of living. We clear our energetic DNA, activate the light codes connected to our higher DNA strands and ascend to higher ways of being. We embody more of our Divine self transcending into a whole new way of being.  

Our DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is basically the blueprint of our existence on a physical as well as energetic level. On an energetic level our  DNA strands hold on to past memories from our past, past lives and ancestral energy. These include the positive as well as negative memories and imprints. 

Negative imprints or energy from the past will show up through different experiences in this life time for it to be cleared. This is how the Spiritual law of attraction works. What is in your energetic bubble will manifest. Negativity will cause us to feel stuck and blocked, repeating unnecessary patterns that should have been a closed chapter a long time ago. We keep repeating patterns and stumbling into blocks so that we can go in and release these energies. To acknowledge what needs to be healed. By healing this we also heal generations of trauma, fear and negativity. We clear the path for our descendants as well as the past for our ancestors. We help others heal. We help with raising the frequency of earth and humanity. 

Clearing away these energies will bring us to a turning point in our life and soul evolution. It will usher in endings and new beginnings, freeing you from the old patterns and bringing in new experiences for higher evolution. This however does not mean that we will no longer have any challenges. Firstly, healing and ascending is a life long process. We heal according to our time, when we are ready. 

So how does meditation help?

Meditation enables higher energy to flow through the energetic spine bringing in light, to clear away the negative imprints, activating higher codes connected to higher DNA strands and for the Kundalini energy which is basically the dormant energy coiled at the base of the spine to flow upward naturally. It is also the doorway to our higher conscious states. As we heal our past and receive more light we activate our higher light codes that are connected to the dormant cells in our brain which allows us to embody more of our Divine self. We start to ascend which is our soul’s mission. As we do this we receive more clarity and life becomes easier. Our innate gifts, power to manifest and heal ourselves are enhanced and we start to see and experience life differently. 

The simple act of closing your eyes and shifting your focus inwards and removing clutter from the mind we is able to light up dormant cells of the brains that are not usually activated when we are in a cluttered state. Brain imaging techniques have revealed that meditation profoundly changes the way different regions of the brain communicate with each other and therefore how we think. It has been scientifically proven to reprogram your brain. 

When this happens you realign yourself with your higher self or with Source. It’s like plugging in to Source energy where you start to receive higher guidance. Life becomes easier because you start to operate through your higher conscious state. In this state you no longer hold on to fear. You understand your journey and open up the doorway for more light and abundance to flow into your life. Working with clients and myself for over past 10 years, I can assure you that there is no other way than to go within. Life is about healing and evolving. 

Scientifically, meditation has also been proven to enhance the frontal lobe of the brain especially the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for human behaviour. It also interrupts the primitive areas of the brain that initiates and coordinates the unconscious primitive stress reaction throughout the brain and body. This reduces stress reaction and stimulates the immune system to function more effectively. 

The common misconception is that meditation is about going into blankness. However, this is not true. Meditation is about moving into heightened state of consciousness. It takes an immense amount of focus and concentration to achieve this state. It is not a state of blankness or boredom that will put you to sleep. So if you are getting sleepy of bored while meditating chances are you are doing it the wrong way. You could be lacking focus. Focus here can be through Visualisation, Prayer, Chanting or Breathing which will eventually take you into stillness. Just like learning to drive a car or ride a bike, you need to focus and practise before it becomes something natural to you. Eventually meditation will take you on its own journey.

Remember is to always be seated straight during meditation. This may not be necessary if you are practicing Yoga Nidra, listening to guided meditations or hypnotherapy recordings for relaxation or healing as you may prefer to lie down or relax on a couch if you are guided to do so. Otherwise, sitting up straight is best. This helps you to focus better which is essential for light to flow through your energetic spine.

In addition, when you meditate  you also become a conduit for higher light to flow through you and into the world helping to raise earth consciousness and to radiate light to others in need. Having this consciousness in you during meditation is very powerful and helps with more than just self-enlightenment. So, if you are passionate about bringing change to the world, then meditate to bring in light and to send light out into the world.

You may refer to the free guided meditations on my YouTube channel. They are infused with higher frequency energy and you will be able to integrate the higher light frequencies into your energy field easily. Always remember that you are a Divine being manifested into a physical form. Within you lies infinite wisdom and power to create the life that you wish to have. Do remember to share your meditation experiences & positivity with your family and friends and help them get into their own practice. Meditation can help us create a positive shift in the world. 
