There’s a scripture in the Bible that says “consider it a gift when tests and challenges come at you from all sides….” (James 1:2-4).

I never really understood it till I sat down to reflect and journal on the last decade. 

This scripture has proved so true in my experience over the last 10 years.

If I hadn’t burned out and been hospitalized with stress, I would never have cried out to God for a miracle, and then been led to discover my first coach Dani Johnson. She taught me so much, including how to thrive and succeed professionally without sacrificing my personal life and most important relationships.

If I hadn’t been so heartbroken from previous relationships, I would never have cried out to God for a miracle and been led to set such a high standard for what I wanted in my life and marriage; which helped me and my husband Nnamdi feel like we hit the jackpot with each other.

If I hadn’t hit a frustrating ceiling in my career, I wouldn’t have cried out to God for a miracle, and been led to discover that nothing/no one can stop your purpose or destiny permanently unless you let it/them.  The aforementioned ceiling proved to be just a box that I had to develop wings as I honed skills, to fly out of, and far above.

If I hadn’t lost all sense of myself in motherhood when I first had my daughter, I would not have cried out to God for a miracle that came in the form of my coach Gina DeVee who taught me to turn my pain into purpose, and to build a business that has led to me helping so many, and meeting some of the most incredible and inspiring friends, clients, mastermind partners and beautiful people I have been blessed to encounter all over the world.

If I hadn’t almost lost my life last year, I wouldn’t have cried out to God for a miracle that helps me appreciate life and the people I have in it more than ever before.

I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the idea.

I don’t claim to have all the answers; there are still some challenges and trials I don’t understand, and suspect I might never in this lifetime. 

But one thing this powerful reflection has taught me is that one can also rely on the truth of another Bible scripture in Romans 8: 28 – which summarized says that; no matter what we are going through, it is being worked out for our good.

As we go through this new year and decade, my prayer is that you and I experience the amazing miraculous blessings that are available and possible. 

And that WHEN the trials and challenges come, that we can find the strength to consider them as gifts, and pray for the miracle that will help us connect with who, or whatever we need to create beauty from ashes. 

Happy new year and decade and thank you for reading.