Family time

When families get busy, one of the first things to go is family night, these are critically important for any family. The payoff for everyone within the familial unit is often on a grand scale, but often not an impact that you can see unless you are looking. If you are someone who has given family night the ax, here are a few reasons why you need to reinstate it and ways to do so.

Spending Time Together

The reality is that life is busy. If you let it, you can easily get distracted from some of the most important aspects of your life like spending time with your family. There is nothing like curling up with a fleece fabric blanket and playing a game together or watching a movie; however, if you don’t guard your time carefully, this can easily be forgotten. Time will pass you by faster than you could have ever imagined, and you don’t want to lose out on the opportunity to spend quality time together.

Laughing Together

There is power in laughter. If you find yourself stressing out about the little things in life, quarreling with family members or finding little love at home, you need to prioritize relaxation and laughter together and a family night provides you with a perfect outlet. All you need is the right movie, a hilarious game or just some silliness to bring on the levity.

Building Trust

Another key aspect of family nights is the ability to build trust. Even if the kids feel like family night is a drag, it is important to spend time asking about each other’s lives, investing time in these conversations and building up that bond. It is important to build this relationship in lighter, calmer moments so that when things are challenging, everyone knows that they can fall back on their family. Trust is something that must be built and earned; however, if you spend little time investing in the relationship, you may be taking this trust and key connection for granted.

Creating a Time to Check-in

When children know that family night is approaching, they may give you a lot of grief; however, it offers a key opportunity to check-in. This consistent time and chance to talk can give everyone time to check-in on one another. Knowing that these family events will take place creates a sense of stability within the home which can also be incredibly comforting in times of trouble. This can be incredibly impactful, especially when someone needs it the most.

Lowering Behavioral Risks

While family nights can be a great way to laugh together and enjoy each other’s company, there are other benefits to this bonding time. There is a reduced risk of behavioral issues when families spend time together. If you aren’t sure if you can make the time, know that your choices within the family have real consequences, and it may be time to reevaluate your stance on family night.

Teaching Healthy Habits

When you sit down as a family to connect, especially over meals, this gives you a prime opportunity to teach healthy habits. While you can be explicit with passing along lessons, your children will also learn a lot just by sitting down at a table with you. So much can happen when passing plates and engaging in conversation that you may not even realize.

Growing Together and Developmental Impacts

Family nights should be prioritized from an early age and there are actually many other reasons to set aside this time. You may be surprised at the vast benefits of family game nights, especially for young children. Teaching your children healthy competition, practice with their motor skills and the chance to teach them how to lose graciously, are all important lessons and practice that can come from family game night, so don’t miss out.

Family nights are so much more than just another agenda item on the schedule. Don’t miss out on key opportunities and moments with your family by prioritizing other things. With the chance to have a monumental impact, you need to reinstate them today.
