Where is peace found? The answer that you don’t really want to hear is that it’s already inside you. Yup, there’s nowhere you should go. Nowhere you need to be. And, other than having the basic necessities of food, water, and shelter, nothing that you need to get. It’s free, and you can have it all time. 

Of course sometimes it’s easier to find while on vacation, sitting under an umbrella at the beach with your feet in the sand, breathing in that delicious salt air, and yet at times we can still feel unhappiness there.

Because the truth is we take that busy chatty mind of ours, with us, wherever we go. Peace is cultivated in the mind, for the body, and the soul. Our unhappiness and lack of peace comes from the fluctuations of the mind. Worrying about the past and afraid of the future. It stresses every part of us, and we hold this tension from these worries in our bodies, because our bodies and minds are connected. So if we can learn to relax, if we can learn to let go, if we can learn to live in the present moment. We will fine peace wherever we go.

So the short and maybe unexpected direction to find peace in what seems like a crazy mixed up world is to always come to the awareness of your breath.  It’s the quickest, easiest way to bring you into the present moment. This mindfulness moment of noticing the sensation, sound and rhythm of your breath, can teach you more about yourself than you can imagine. It will ground you in the present moment. And after awhile of practicing you will coming to a knowing the true essence of who you really are, with an understanding that you are peace.

40,000 followers from around the world tune into Donna Melanson’s daily sunrise broadcast from the beach on periscope.tv (www.periscope.tv/azulyoga). Her intention is to spread peace to the world, starting with the self. Donna is the founder of Azul Yoga, Azul Yoga Institute, offering Yoga Teacher Training, Continuing Education, Classes and Retreats.