When you look back on 2016, were you happy with your efforts in the goals you had set for yourself a year ago? If not, what happened? What circumstances caused you to hit the pause button on your goals? It’s important to look back and consider these things because the good news is, it’s a new year and you get to have a do-over with your goals!

After you’ve looked back over the last year, it’s now time to look forward. The best way to successfully achieve your new year’s resolutions and goals for 2017 is to look ahead to the end of 2017. I challenge you to think about and visualize where you want to be at the end of the year.

Try to answer the following three questions:

What are 1–3 experiences you want to have in 2017?

Personally, I want to experience tiny living. I’m obsessed with home shows about tiny houses and wonder if I could actually live in such a space. Recently I found out about a place here in Tennessee where I can go and spend a few nights in a tiny house. Not only that, while there I’ll have the opportunity to go stand up paddle boarding and hiking, two of my passions!

What’s something you’ve always wanted to try? This could be the year to do it and develop a new passion.

What are 1–3 ways you want to get out of your comfort zone in 2017?

I want to challenge myself this year by going on my very first mission trip to Brazil. We’ll be traveling down the Amazon River on a small boat and sleeping in hammocks while making stops in small communities along the river. We’ll be helping with everything from construction and home visits to ministry.

I’ve been told by my church’s missions coordinator that if there was ever a mission trip to get you out of your comfort zone, this is the one! What’s something you could do this year that would challenge you and push you out of your comfort zone?

What are 1–3 goals you want to achieve in 2017?

My goal for my passion and career coaching business is to help even more people who currently feel stuck in their life or their work. I want to help provide direction on the next steps of their life and help them find a career that’s enjoyable and is a good fit for them.

What is something you’ve always wanted to achieve? Maybe it’s a personal goal, or maybe it’s a professional goal. It could even be a passion project, something you’ve always had a desire to do that’s outside the bounds of your normal work or life routine. Something that either feeds an interest of yours or gives back to society or accomplishes both!

I’m currently working on a passion project that combines my passion for writing, stand up paddling, and my love for God, which will also serve as a source of funding for my mission trip to Brazil.

When thinking about the questions above, be creative and don’t limit yourself. This year could be the year you look back and see just how exciting life can be!

To put your goals and passions into action, check out my on-demand program Don’t Just Set Goals. ACHIEVE Them!

Originally published at thedailypositive.com on January 19, 2017.

Originally published at medium.com