Rejection hurts. It can trigger feelings of unworthiness. Anger, jealousy, and resentment may arise. We take it as a sign we failed. Rejection can make us feel alone. And to top it off, those feelings may stick with us, sometimes for years.

We have all experienced both sides of rejection. We have rejected and we have been rejected. It does not feel good any way you slice it.

What if, we changed our attitude, and looked at rejection differently? Changing the way we view rejection, allows us to alter our response to it.

What if rejection is just selection?

Let’s look at a scenario. I love hats!  I love to wear them, I love to look at them. Sometimes just trying them on gives me joy. When I look at my wall of hats I carefully select the one that is appropriate for the day. Maybe a baseball cap if I go for a hike or a beanie if it is cold. Sometimes it’s a giant brimmed hat to protect me from the sun. When I choose the hat for the occasion, I am not rejecting all my other hats, on the contrary, I love my hats. I am simply selecting the best one for the occasion.

Life is a series of scenarios. How we choose to respond creates who we are. Altering how we respond when faced with rejection can help us cope.

 Sometimes rejection is simply something just not working out ~ Stephanie Doherty

 7 Actions to Help Us Cope with Rejection

How we chose to respond to situations is 100% within our control. When rejection enters our world, altering our view of it can make all of the difference in how we allow it to affect us.

1. Perception. Shifting our perception can alter our mindset. Let Go of how you perceive rejection. Rejection is not a rebuff on who we are, so let’s not take it personally.  It is a selection process, made by the other parties, based on specific criteria. We are not always the right fit, and that is okay.

2. Redirection:  Not getting chosen can signal it is time for a redirection. Take a moment to look at the path you are on to see if a turn needs to be made.

3. Protection: Doors that close may be for our own protection from something, a choice, a job offer, or a move that is not right for us. When a door closes it asks us to stop, look and listen, putting us on notice to look around.

4.  Reaction: When we have a strong reaction to something, it is ideal if we can step aside from it for a moment and take a breath. By doing so it allows us to observe without being reactive. Cultivating a flexible mindset will allow us to slow down before we overreact.

5. Projection: Perceived rebuffs may be projections of our own inadequacies. Sometimes when we are in the face of rejection we falsely read into it.

6. Question:  Repeatedly being rejected may indicate it is time to question if we are taking the right action. It may be the opportunity to change a behavior, update a resume, or adjust an attitude.

7. Reflection:  Ultimately rejection leads us to a place of self-reflection

Life is about growth and growth starts from within. Understand rejection comes into our lives as lessons to be learned… learn to Let Go of rejections. Let Go and be free.

I take rejection as someone blowing a bugle in my ear to wake me up and get going, rather than retreat ~ Sylvester Stallone

originally published on


  • Charisse Glenn

    Casting Director, Equestrian and Creator of The Let Go

    Charisse Glenn, Casting Director, Equestrian, and Creator of The Let Go She is 63 pushing upwards, gray, aging gracefully and has lots to say.  She is half Japanese and has the wisdom of that culture she was born into. US-born she has been a casting director for commercials in Los Angeles for 35 years and is an equestrian having competed in 100-mile horse races around the world. The blog she writes called The Let Go serves as a reminder to let go of all that no longer works in our lives, opening a pathway to happiness, love, and balance. Proudly she embraces the freedoms age provides serving as a role model to both men and women. She is a badass with a beautiful soft touch. You can find her on either of her websites or follow her on social media. Follower her on Clubbhose: Let That Shit Go!