Have you ever stopped to reflect on what it takes to become a true champion? How did they get there? What makes them so special? Are they born with champion genes, or is it something else?

If you look at the best teams in the world and the greatest individual champions, you will find that they have three very strong characteristics that separate them from the average person or team.

First, they are fanatical about training. This discipline clearly sets them apart from the average person.

Second, they master the skill of pre-playing, mentally, the outcome of events long before they actually perform them. They visualize every aspect of their performance in their minds and see themselves being perfect every time.

Third, they all have coaches and mentors!

Whether it is a professional sports team, a dancer, a musician, or an elite member of a special ops team; they all spend countless hours preparing physically and mentally for the tasks before them.

These same qualities are what make winning companies and individuals successful. Yet recent studies indicate that up to 80% of companies in America do no training, other than product training, on a regular basis.

Top achievers make training a part of their regular routine. So can you.

How can you apply this?

Start by adding these disciplines…

  • Make the choice to be the best you are capable of being
  • Create the winning habit of regularly scheduled training
  • If your company does not offer it, then make it your mission to go to seminars, read books, listen or watch podcasts (LinkedIn, Ted, etc.)
  • Visualize the outcome you desire in your mind, and pre-play it over and over again until it becomes automatic
  • Study other champions or top achievers… learn how they mastered their skills
  • Find a great coach/mentor
  • Remember that knowledge is not power unless you apply it
  • Positive self discipline is one of the key ingredients to making all this happen
  • You must accept responsibility for you

Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.


  • Barry Gottlieb

    Author - Speaker - Success Mentor - Trusted Advisor

    Barry is sought after by organizations of all sizes to assist them in the following areas: *Leadership - *Strategy - *Execution - *Company Culture - *Time Management - *Emotional Intelligence. As the Founder and President of Coaching the Winner's Edge, Barry has built a successful practice offering counsel and guidance to both private individuals and corporations. In addition, Barry is a successful author and speaker. His books are: "TGIT-Thank God It’s Today". - "Every Day Is A Gift". - "Brilliant on the Basics...a Playbook for Business Leaders". Barry started out his career as an educator... First a school teacher and  Principal; and then as an instructor at Santa Fe Community College, and the University of Florida. During his time at the university, Barry experienced a life altering challenge. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given just 3 to 6 months to live. His story of recovery and the paradigm shift that it created in his life was the inspiration for his first book, "TGIT - Thank God It’s Today". Shortly thereafter, Barry decided to make a career and life style change and left teaching to enter the world of business. This he says, “Is where my real education began.” He and his partners built a very successful $75 million international company from the ground up, that they later sold for $55M. Barry shares the the wisdom and insights of building a very successful company... and culture, in his latest book: "Brilliant On the Basics... A Playbook for Business Leaders". Barry's Mission: To inspire and empower others to reach their full potential.