For the past 2 years, I have faced a lot of health related problems. First I had dengue, it was horrible because it was the first time I had been admitted to an hospital. It took me around 2 months to recover fully. After two months of recovering from dengue when I thought my health was good now I got chicken pox which was again horrible. It took around 1 month to recover from it. Both of these diseases made my immune system very weak. So I started doing some basic workouts.

Everything went fine for 3-4 months, I had started going to gym and eating more home made food. I even gained some muscles (It feels good when you get those biceps and chest). But the happiness didn’t last long. I got fungal infection which was not as severe as the above mentioned but it was long lasting and it started disturbing my health indirectly. I got rashes and bumps on my thighs. I was advised to not do too much work that involves walking or something that makes me sweat because sweating will make the case worse and in India it is hot half of the year. Long story short I stopped going to gym and doing activities that made me sweat. It made me lazy and it didn’t took me too long to understand that if I continued to be lazy that won’t bring a good result. So after thinking for a long time about activities that didn’t make me sweat and were good for my health I came to the conclusion that pranayama would be perfect and so I started doing pranayama and drinking giloy juice (it is an ayurvedic medicine which tastes really bad).

I was trying to make it a habit but unfortunately couldn’t make it because my exams started. Now I know you must be thinking “How much time doing pranayama and drinking giloy juice take”? I know! I admit I was dumb there.

Coming back to the story after exams I got throat infection and dental problems. By this time, you must be thinking “Man! this guy has some serious health problems”. I agree but I faced them all.

Fast forward 1 month, I am still recovering from fungal infection (it is in its last stage so soon it will be over) and I have started again to pay attention to my fitness. I hope that this time I will not get caught by any other disease or infection. This time being more careful about my health I have started managing my calories, doing basic workouts (will do basic workouts only till the infection is completely finished), started doing pranayama again and started paying attention to what I eat. So, basically now I am ultra sincere about my health and have fully understood that health is the most important thing and everything comes after it.

After reading all this you must be thinking “oh god! he must have suffered a lot”. But I think I learned a lot from it. These two years of suffering have made me realize the importance of health which I already knew but never gave it the attention it deserved.

I don’t know if you people also had to eat this tough medicine which made you realize the importance of maintaining your health. For those who didn’t have to face any of it and those who don’t work on their body or pay attention to their health, start paying attention because your body is the most valuable asset. Work, video games, television all of this will come and go but your health…once it is ruined it can’t be brought back to its normal condition.