What do you dream of? Day dreams, night dreams?

It’s actually a blessing, a gift to dream. To imagine, to see a world that doesn’t quite exist yet – to open yourself up to seeing the impossible and enjoying the view. Sometimes, we lose that gift; we stop dreaming. For many reasons, perhaps one too many dreams have crashed and burned, we’ve been forced to become realistic, we’re broken and we’ve come to accept that “this is it.” But that’s a topic for another day.

Today, for those of us who still dream, those of us who have daydreams that make us smile, or break into joyful tears  …where do we go from there?

After you’ve indulged this beautiful dream, where the famous person (or handsome guy) comes looking for you – because they’ve heard so much about you and they NEED you to work with them (or marry them), when the dream is over and you wake up, what do you do next?

My suggestion is that you keep moving towards the light.

Do the little things and the big, scary things that move you in the direction of your dreams … take action. Everyday. 

What were you doing in this dream that you were noticed for? What was your thing? Have you done it today? It doesn’t matter how small the step is, how unnoticeable it is; YOU notice it, your insides notice it … your dreams notice it … and if you continue, you start to change on the inside, you go from being a dreamer to being a doer.

As this happens, (yes, it takes time, support, belief in yourself) but as it happens, as you see your dreams coming true, you start to dream bigger dreams and reach for greater heights. You are becoming a dream maker, a life changer (possibly with a knot in your stomach) … but a dream maker nonetheless!

So here’s to you, keep dreaming!