mpower the Authentic You with Donna Bond

Power is a precarious thing isn’t it?

We see people who allow power to be an experience their ego is having which oftentimes results in a negative experience for the individual themselves and those around them. The ego loves the opportunity to feel right and in control and perhaps that is why so many people seek power.

What about Authentic Empowerment? How is it different?

Authentic Empowerment is a state of inner authority. A feeling of being safe and secure in who you are and what you know to be true for you. It’s not something that can be found outside of yourself because it’s something that is cultivated through the process of Being Oneself.

We are brought up in a world of comparison. Our achievements are very much driven around being better, strong, faster…. But, where does that end? Demonstrating the courage of standing apart from the crowd, willing to be seen as YOU, in the truth of who you really are, can cultivate Authentic Empowerment. Perhaps the gifts are not in being better, but rather; different.

Dr. Robert Holden, Ph.D. has a quote. He says, “No amount of self-improvement can make up for lack of self-acceptance.” I find incredible wisdom in this. As I connect the dots of Authentic Empowerment in my own life, I know that it has been through self-acceptance that I’ve come into alignment with who I am. Flaws and all….. And, how my acceptance of myself – regardless of what anyone else has to say about it – provides me with an inner strength and foundation on which I can continue to grow and learn and expand my life.

Authentic Empowerment also recognizes that we are Divine Spiritual Beings having a human experience and not the other way around. We think we are a body and we have a soul, but really we are first a foremost a Soul – an energy system actually – and our body and personality is a more narrowly focused projection of our Soul. We you can tune into this idea that you are an individualized expression of universal energy, you realize that you are far greater than anything you can even comprehend in your humanness.

On May 1st I am launching a masterclass where I will provide the framework for you to take a greater level of responsibility for the experience you are having in your life. To embrace your inner authority and bring to life the feeling of Authentic Empowerment.

If you are feeling stuck or stagnant or unsupported in where you are in life, this class may be the perfect solution. If you are at a major crossroad and you’d like guidance and support in how to make that decision from a personally empowered place, the life mastery tools in this class may be of assistance.

Empowerment is defined as the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

Gary Zuzak’s definition is really what I am referring to, “Authentic Empowerment is the alignment of the personality with the soul, what it involves, how it happens, and what it creates. When the energy of the soul is recognized, acknowledged, and valued, it begins to infuse the life of the personality.”

If you’re ready to live a more rich, juicy, fulfilling life filled with aliveness, joy, creativity, meaning and purpose – maybe this class is for you. Class runs throughout the year. Dates and Details can be found at Empower the Authentic You.

If you are interested in learning more about what a transformational journey could look like for you, I invite you to experience a 90-minute complimentary discovery session with me. This is where we explore together where you are currently in your life, where you’d like to be and what are the things standing in your way. If this resonates, you can secure a session HERE.


  • Donna Bond, M.A.

    Igniter of Light | Catalyst for Personal Transformation | Spiritual Life and Business Coach

    Consciousness Rising, Inc

    A catalyst for personal transformation, professional life and business coach, spiritual advisor, author and inspirational speaker, Donna Bond’s work centers on serving individual transformation of consciousness. Empowering women to live into the full potential of their lives, from the inside out Donna is the author of Original Wisdom: Harness the Power of the Authentic You. Donna offers inspiring workshops and transformative in-depth coaching programs to assist clients across the globe achieve new heights of meaningful success, personal fulfillment and Spiritual aliveness using the principles and practices of Spiritual Psychology. Donna Bond, M.A. is a graduate of the University of Santa Monica where she earned her master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. She is a contributor to various publications such as Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, Radiance and The San Clemente Journal. With 28 years as a hospitality business executive Donna served as VP of Sales & Marketing with Sunstone Hotels. In 2013 after the 3rd consecutive year winning the Western Regional Marketing Achievement Award with The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, divine guidance helped her see that she wanted her energy, time and ultimately her life, to have deeper meaning and fulfillment for herself and those around her. In 2014 she decided to dedicate the rest of her time on the planet to a purpose-driven business with the intention of raising the vibration on the planet through individual transformation of consciousness. Since 2009, Donna has been the visioning force behind award winning oil painter Paul Bond, helping him realize his dreams creating a richer, more fulfilling life. As a life long Spiritual seeker unfolding into her own self-discovery, Donna lives an empowered existence on her personal and professional path of Spiritual evolution. Her intention is to assist others in leading a more open, authentic, loving and fulfilled life supporting her Soul’s mission of raising the vibration on the planet. Visit