COVID-19 has brought a lot of uncertainty with regards to returning to normalcy. This outbreak has developed the requirement for self-isolation and work from home that has adversely impacted people’s emotional and mental well-being. This pandemic has brought an enormous adjustment for all across the globe and has boosted stress levels.

Such stresses entail both personal and financial that has disrupted the work-life balance. Mental health, wellness, positivity are paramount during this time of crisis.

SarahbethHartlage Shares some Wellness Tips

  • Reach Out for Help – It is advisable to engage in spiritual or social activities with neighbors, family, and friends online or in other creative ways that are socially distanced. It will be useful for creating that sense of community as well as reducing isolation. Again if you do a good deed for others, it will reflect your human spirit and gratitude.
  • Take Care of the Body – Stretch, and take deep breaths. It will work wonders in boosting your resilience and immunity.
  • Eat Healthily – Consuming healthy food during the COVID-19 outbreak will prove beneficial for your body. Thus, SarahbethHartlage advises eating homemade healthy food. Fast food has ample adverse impacts on mental and physical health and, above all, is a shortcut to different diseases. With fast-food chains remain closed; people have begun to eat healthy food that they cook in healthy oil at home. During this pressing time, you need to eat healthily and keep away from fast food to stay healthy. 
  • Exercise – Gyms are closed, but this does not give you an excuse to skip doing exercises. There are several alternatives to remain physically fit without going against the CBC’s preventive best practices, such as avoiding large crowds and social distancing. You can try aerobics at home. Also, avoid crowds, but this does not mean preventing nature. Jog outside or go for a walk in uncrowded areas to stay safe. Jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, and more exercises will help you stay fit but away from gyms.
  • Mind-Body Medicine – The mind-body stress reduction databank contains different readily available tools and easy to employ. Qi Gong, yoga, and meditation are some ancient practices accessible readily through various websites and online. Simple introductions to such practices are a perfect way, to begin with, and do not need specific spiritual practices.

The on-going COVID-19 outbreak has stressed us out and made us realize the significance of life. The essences of experience have taught people the ways of taking care of their life physically and mentally. It is vital to take proper care of yourself during this crisis. Be supportive not only to yourself but also to closed and loved ones.

In short, personal care, quality time with dear ones, relaxation, meditation, proper sleep, and the right diet will promote overall wellness. Practice these habits punctually on a day to day basis to stay healthy and also keep others happy and healthy and overcome the tough times soon.