If you want to scale really quick in the fashion industry, you need to stop seeing technology as a boon. It is there to help you and though your clients might seem more interested in the fabric designs they can find online than what they can find in your store, make use of tech to power up your business.

Sometimes back, I wholly relied on word of mouth for my sales until a time when a start-up competitor who had less better designs, less money joined and soon he was beating me ten-nil. But why? He had a seamless e-commerce system that was so intuitive that all clients needed to do was get into the forum, make their purchases and leave the store very comfortable.

You see people are getting lazier and lazier. No one wants to go out of the stores looking for products, they all want to order things and have them brought home. But how do you get successful on e-commerce sales, you ask. Well, here is a guide.

Use keywords that customers are searching

On your e-commerce store, make sure that you are using keyword phrases that customers are searching for. People looking for halloween costumes will for example use phrases such as ‘halloween costume, halloween costumes for kids, halloween costumes 2018’

Invest in high quality images

You need to stand out with the images you use on your e-commerce. Have a professional photographer do it for you.

Have awesome call to actions

Get your costumes clicking on your ‘buy now button’ by making sure that the call to actions are conspicuous and outstanding. Invest in colors that accentuate your site and also give them a feel of wanting to buy. Design thinking as Lawton Ursrey of Forbes say is crucial for your website to perform optimally.